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My name is Matt, and I'm an Elkcoholic (CO Elk 2010)

Discussion in 'Bowhunting Talk' started by bz_711, Sep 27, 2010.

  1. bz_711

    bz_711 Die Hard Bowhunter

    Feb 19, 2009
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    What a quest this trip has been for me. I logged on to in Feb ’09 with the sole purpose of finding out more about Elk bowhunt opportunities. My first post was “Best DIY Elk Hunt” and I got many great replies…most importantly a reply from Will (iamyourhuckleberry) inviting me to hunt Colorado!...the wheels were in motion from that point on.

    The excitement surrounding this trip throughout 2010 was great as well. Anticipation and preparation are a big part of any hunt and I really enjoyed having this hunt on the calendar. From getting in the best shape of my life to getting the most out of all my family time knowing they had allowed me to plan this trip, this hunt had a positive impact on my life before I ever even pulled out of the driveway.

    Friday, Sept 17th:
    3:00am wakeup, hit the road right at 3:30 am for a 14.5 hour road trip. Drive was great…and again, this time alone was just great to collect my thoughts about family and life – how lucky was I?
    Arrive in camp shortly before dark – soon after the troops arrive from hunting and many new campmates with Will – It was all coming together.
    The best thing about a bowhunting camp – the bond is Immediate, Strong, and Real!


    Saturday, Sept 18th:
    My first Elk hunt I was partnered up with Dave (Bails-UK) and Mark (UKbowhunter)…which was a pleasure itself – two great guys that were as jacked up as I was to be on this hunt. Started the morning with a nice boulder hopping climb to about 10K feet, you sure don’t stay cold long – at which point we split up with high hopes. Working my way up the first mountain, I had to just stop and smile – I was finally Elk hunting!


    No elk sighted on day 1 for me, but did encounter 6 mulies…but there was still something about this mountain hunting that I just felt right. Dave spotted some mulies as well including one dandy 4x4 at 18 yards…and Mark was able to get on 2 bulls and a cow in the afternoon, just out of range…things were looking up.

    Sunday, Sept 19th:
    Day 2 I was paired up with Paul (local), Scottie (New Zealand), and Grant (Aussie) to venture up the coveted “No Name Road.” I’d heard the stories of past hunts on No Name…excitement was building for me. Half way up the Jeep trail us 4 split up, Paul and I taking the high line about 11,200 feet. We were working our way along still at a decent pace as we wanted to get close to where Paul had action the day prior…not 0.5 mile in I heard my first bugle! Paul and I froze and smiled at each other, thinking this bull was easily over 100 yds away – but to our surprise I caught a glimpse of him at only 40 yards! My first Bugle, now my first sighting – that’s all it took and I was hooked! I’m used to hunting areas where 40 yards usually means you will find a shooting lane – NOT HERE. The one thing I was totally unprepared for is just how thick these pine timbers are – I feel like a lumber jack after a week of hopping over and walking along downed timbers – oh, and you need to be quiet so the elk don’t hear you:)


    As we sat motionless, we both knocked an arrow hoping for the best. As Paul took a step to his left the slightest twig snap made the bull bound off a couple steps – Paul drew, tried his best at a small shot window…but when that arrow struck a small tree, I also got to see just how fast these huge creatures can navigate these timbers that I have to crawl through – AMAZING!
    Heard a couple more bugles and spent remainder of day hunting a big circle back to the suburban…one thing was for sure – THIS IS NOT WHITETAIL HUNTING! Ends up Paul was covered in bugling/wallowing Elk all day – and just couldn’t release another arrow (even though one was at 15 yards for close to an hour) – he was nice enough to share his GPS coordinates as he was headed back to work…high hopes as I hit the bed that night.

    Monday, Sept 20th:
    Day 3 found Scottie, Grant, Tony (sticknstring1) and I getting a ride to the very top of Jeep trail on No Name Road (Thanks Shawn!). Tony jumped in the timber right away, as the other 3 of us made our way to 12K feet and a couple miles across the mountain tops…our destination was to drop back down into “The Bowl.” As we neared our spot we began to hear up to 4 different bugles…as we descended, we split up and worked our way slowly toward the bugling. As I came to the first small stream – I caught some movement – YES, I actually spotted these elk before they spotted me (The most important aspect of elk hunting). I guessed them to be just over 55 yards and even though the cow was broadside in a clearing I was not going to take this shot – they were working their way down toward me, 1 bull and 2 cows. I pulled my range finder out to shoot a spot where they would cross in the open – only to realize that I was shaking too bad to hold it steady…lol…I thought – 40 yards it is. Just as the first cow began to enter the opening (and yes I was going to shoot this cow even with a bull right behind her – my opinion on waiting for a bull changed on day 1)…the wind hit the back of my neck and this cows nose went straight up in the air…didn’t take long for her to round up the troops and clear the mountain. Ends up Grant had these same 3 plus 3 more elk just over 40 yds minutes before me, and when they cleared downhill, they ran by at 20 yards to Scottie…who couldn’t reach his bow as he was droppin’ a deuce – guess last nights Jambalaya got the best of him Now I was a full blown Elkcoholic – but I couldn’t help but think: how do you kill an animal that sees as good as a turkey, smells better than a whitetail, and has hearing as good as any other animal? This was REAL hunting!





    Tuesday, Sept 21st:
    Day 4 came and I knew I should repeat to the same area as Day 3, but I have to admit, that distance of a hike just didn’t appeal to me as I slipped my boots on again. Scottie promised an easier hunt today as he saw a heard of 7 elk at sunset closer to the car – with 2 bulls fighting. We ended up with a group of 8 that morning (Scottie, Grant, Tony, Aussie Matt (excelpoint - stickbow magazine), Dave, Mark, Justin (PSE rep from Utah), and myself)…the plan was to hike over mountain and drop down into backside. For Justin it was day 1, he was fresh and took off by himself saying “see you at dark.” The rest of us made our way down the backside (after seeing one spike bull from the top) and spread out for a still hunt through the area we hoped to have our elk herd in. Ends up, just one jumped elk and the temps were rising quick…Scottie made one comment about a burger and milkshake – and the 6 of us that had met up said “let’s go.” Justin and Mark continued to hunt as the rest of us made our way up a grass embankment that we could barely get footing on…we were going to earn that milkshake! Back to camp around 1:30 – and since it had been 4-5 days without a shower, Texas Tony drove us 6 in his fine rig (truly Texas style Dodge 2500 MegaCab Diesel with 6 inch lift and 37 inch mudders – fine truck Tony!) down to Leadville…showers, Mexican lunch, and even ice cream. We had been hunting hard and had little time to just shoot the BS…great afternoon getting to know these guys better. The stories continued back at camp that afternoon…and I’m telling you I could listen to Tony tell hog hunting stories all day…and Grant’s story of being “tea bagged with Roo balls” might be the funniest story I have ever heard – great laughs.

    Last edited: Mar 15, 2018
  2. bz_711

    bz_711 Die Hard Bowhunter

    Feb 19, 2009
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    Wednesday, Sept 22nd:
    Day 5 found Scottie, Grant, Justin and I heading back to “The Bowl.”
    A couple miles into our hike we heard some bugles…then Justin made the famous comment – “Do you guys know how hard it will be to pack a bull out of here?”…we would know soon enough. We finally got some overcast and the bulls continued to bugle. Justin has taken some elk with bow and I quickly realized I would learn a thing or two today – but we had a good laugh when he pulled out this lanyard with enough elk calls on it that I thought he was competing for the Ducks Unlimited World Championships…but Justin would have the last laugh – he knows his stuff and the calls proved deadly. At one point us 4 split up close together as 2 different bulls were answering…I saw the antler tops of one at about 50 yards (WOW!) and when he ripped off a screaming bugle it was just awesome…that bull worked his way off and Justin would later say that is was a 320 inch bull…even he was quite impressed (he comes from Utah I remind you). As the bugles slowed, we stopped for a quick bite to eat – but as we heard another bugle we thought – let’s stay on them if they’re bugling. Scottie made his way off to the right again – and soon after no more bugles. Justin continued to use different cow calls to try and get an answer – at the same time to let Scottie know where we were…I caught a glimpse of tan coming up the hill and motioned the guys…then I could see two coming. Grant barely had time to split up a few yards, and Justin and I remained side-by-side. The bull came directly to Grant at 15 yds, Grant drew and held nearly 2 minutes to a face on bull. As the bull turned our way, Grant let his draw down – again, even at 15 yards there were nearly no shots. As the bull came my way, Justin drew and I remained fully ready to draw if a shot appeared. Justin’s broadhead was literally two feet from my shoulder…the longer he held the more I thought we got to make this happen. I knew I could draw as the bull’s head was hidden but I’d have to make a quick move to shoot around a downed tree – but positive I could get a shot off. Just as I was turning my head to whisper if Justin was going to have any shot – THWAT – Justin made a great shot through about a 4 inch opening…double lung – this 5x4 bull was toast and we heard a crash just down the hill. Scottie was working his way back to us and saw us all trying to draw…HIGH FIVES followed…and then Justin got the shakes…what a great experience! Rain started immediately, so we took the blood trail – it was an easy one.



    I got as close as you can to actually bagging a bull without firing an arrow – and just loved getting the whole experience – even the backbreaking pack out in the rain – these 3 guys were just great and we even managed some good laughs during all the hard work (packed out deboned meat and skull all in one trip)…what a great day in the Mountains!




    Thursday, Sept 23rd:
    I decided to cut my trip short, mostly due to homesickness – but I had also gotten everything out of this trip I had hoped for – and there was no way I was lacing up boots on my sore feet for at least a day or so. I regret that I left before Will made it back to camp for one last handshake – but I got a treestand with Will’s name on it – and we will share camp again. I dropped Aussie Matt off at Denver International and headed home with a BIG smile on my face.

    Will totally outdid himself with this camp and all his efforts…we should all take notes on how to do it right! And it was just great to share camp with him, hear the stories of past hunts, and get my first Yakburger. Will, your energy was noticeably missed when not in camp…and your alarm:) Hope your ankle is on the mend.

    This camp was truly an international affair – was great to learn more about UK, Australia, New Zealand – and appreciate our freedoms we have here in the states. And all the others I had the pleasure in meeting: Steve (Shultzy), Rob(Kodiak), Rex, Waid (txmarshmonkey – thanks for the seasoning) and the rest of the Texas boys, Martin from UK, Tim from Minn…and the rest of those not on…just all great people.
    I have to admit that a good case of homesickness set in on day one as I’d never been away from wife/kids for more than 48hours (and recently found out child #4 is on the way) – but this motivated me do my best to get an elk…at the same time sure proved what’s most important to me in my life…huge thanks to my wife & kids for letting me live this dream.
    For those of you waiting around – get going – it’s time to take that trip you wanted…there are so many great hunters out there willing to help you – you won’t regret it. What a great trip – THANKS WILL!
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2018
  3. Hoyt 'N' It

    Hoyt 'N' It Die Hard Bowhunter

    Apr 9, 2010
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    cherry valley illinois
    awesome story, great pics!
  4. Heavy Hitter

    Heavy Hitter Weekend Warrior

    Nov 7, 2008
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    Fargo, ND
    Great story and pics... sounds like a heck of a trip
  5. Sliverflicker

    Sliverflicker Grizzled Veteran

    Jul 25, 2008
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    Back in Michigan
    Great story and photos. Thanks for sharing, and thanks to Will for putting on such a shin dig, Wish I could have been there.
  6. Greg / MO

    Greg / MO Grizzled Veteran

    Jul 24, 2008
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    Jackson, MO
    BEAUTIFUL pictures... it's super-addicting, isn't it? :D
  7. 130Woodman

    130Woodman Grizzled Veteran

    Sep 18, 2008
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    Great story Matt and enjoyed the updates via text. Elk hunting is addicting but nobody other then a wife is going to send to you rehab. There's always next year.
  8. Siman/OH

    Siman/OH Legendary Woodsman

    Nov 10, 2008
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    Looks like an awesome time guys!
  9. MNpurple

    MNpurple Die Hard Bowhunter

    Feb 20, 2009
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    Boy your really screwed up this time. You have no idea the addiction you just put on yourself. I went to the mountains 5 years ago thinking "well this will be fun to do once," and now 5 years later, I have been to the mountains 5 times. It looks like a wonderful trip and you found out what elk camp is really about....good friends, good food, and good memories. I wish I could go back again this year.
  10. Jake/OH

    Jake/OH Weekend Warrior

    Sep 9, 2009
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    Butler County Ohio
    Looks like a ton of fun, hope to do it someday.
  11. ArchArrow123

    ArchArrow123 Weekend Warrior

    Mar 5, 2010
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    Kansas City, MO
    Enjoyed the write-up and photos. Thanks for sharing your experience with us. Your story shows that hunting is much more than taking an animal. A lot of people will never understand that part of the hunting experience.
  12. OHbowhntr

    OHbowhntr Die Hard Bowhunter

    Jul 27, 2008
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    SE Ohio
    Excellent write-up, glad to hear you guys had a great time, I'm still in a mild depression over being stuck in OHIO while you guys were elk hunting....:cry: GREAT to hear you got some awesome experiences there. AWESOME PIC's as well. Good Luck on those IL whitetails now. Sort of anticlimactic at this point ain't it.....
  13. bz_711

    bz_711 Die Hard Bowhunter

    Feb 19, 2009
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    Greg: super-addicting is about right...I figured next year might have to be a quick trip like a 3 day pronghorn or something...but for me to say 2012 for next Elk I just don't know...I still need "to come down" from this trip. Thanks for the pm's and advice prior to this trip - and you're right - the game bags bought at Walmart in Frisco, CO are 10x better than anything you can get around here.

    Dan: also enjoyed the texts back and forth - wish your buddy would have connected on his shot - thanks as well to the answered questions over the past year.

    MN: Dang-it...I think you're going to be right on this one:evilgrin:

    Archarrow: you're right, elk would have been a bonus - but great trip as it was.

    Doug: I will always enjoy my whitetail hunting, but it's truly apples to oranges.
  14. Brknarrow

    Brknarrow Weekend Warrior

    Jan 18, 2009
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    awesome photos - definately a trip I wanna make someday
  15. KodiakArcher

    KodiakArcher Die Hard Bowhunter

    Feb 15, 2009
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    Anchorage, AK
    Hope to do it again soon Matt, just sorry we didn't get to spend more time together in the field. It was a pleasure seeing you in camp though.
  16. virginiashadow

    virginiashadow Legendary Woodsman

    Mar 6, 2009
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    HECK yeah bz, that is awesome!!!!!
  17. sticknstring1

    sticknstring1 Weekend Warrior

    Aug 12, 2010
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    Hill Country, Texas
    Matt-it was truly a pleasure sharing camp/hunting with you! Elkaholic-I know what you mean!!Lol. We need to get the ball rolling for 2012.... :) . Matt-the day you left , me and Rex managed to get within 20 yrds of 2 very respectable mule deer tags :(
    Good luck with your season in llinois my friend! Looking forward to the pictures.
  18. Scott/IL

    Scott/IL Die Hard Bowhunter

    Sep 7, 2009
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    Beautiful pictures, and seemed like it was a GREAT time.
  19. Iamyourhuckleberry

    Iamyourhuckleberry Die Hard Bowhunter

    Feb 17, 2009
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    Erie, Colorado
    OMG Matt, what a write up, and the photos are brilliant! Nicely done!

    It was such a pleasure finally meeting you. I so look forward to many more hunts together! Let's go see if we can find a prongy with your name on it!

    Matt, would you mind if all the other elkcoholics piggy backed onto your post? It would be cool to have everyone's adventure/stories in a single location. As people finally arrive home, took the Brits to the airport this evening, maybe they 'll share here. I know Rob is preparing his version of the events. I'll do the same once I get Grant and Scott off to S. Dakota for their whitetail hunt tomorrow. I'm sure there are plenty more elkcoholics now! we just need them to come forth!
  20. KodiakArcher

    KodiakArcher Die Hard Bowhunter

    Feb 15, 2009
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    Anchorage, AK
    Moose hunting cured me of my elkaholism. I'll get something together on here tomorrow if time allows.

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