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Jul 25, 2008
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Back in Michigan
Iron Worker, Guide.

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Grizzled Veteran, from Back in Michigan

Sliverflicker was last seen:
Apr 12, 2024
    1. gri22ly
      I haven't heard anything about it...there was a 200" non-typical killed here at Dawson and a 184" killed out where I hunt....a 170" typical killed in Madisonville city limits.
    2. iHunt
      Wow, that is pretty expensive. I hope I can contribute a buck to the team, but I haven't seen anyting but a basket 8 while hunting so far. Good luck to you too, I'll look forward to hearing from you
    3. iHunt
      Hey John, not much here, what about you? I didn't put in for a Fort Riley permit, I just hunt around my house on my farming neighbors land. Do you get a Fort Riley permit ever?
    4. iHunt
      Congrats on your tom as well! Sounds like you have a better story about yours then I do mine though.
    5. Sliverflicker
      You just doing the weekends or you going to stay a few days.
      Give me a call when you get up this way.
    6. Dubbya
      What's happenin man? I was there this weekend (quick trip) got there at 11:30 friday night. Hunted hard for two days and got home this morning at 1:30... I'll probably be back this weekend!
    7. Dubbya
      Hey, what's the word on Kansas?!?! Thinking about being there this weekend!
    8. Dubbya
      Good deal buddy, I'm countin' on you to be my eyes and let me know what the deer are doing up there! Give me a heads up on when to venture North :D I'll be in Ohio with Buckeye from Oct28-Nov 2nd and after that... it's game on!!
    9. Sliverflicker
      Hey Dub, I have seen 3 really good ones so far. I picked up 280 acres of private land yesterday and only got to cover about 80 of it today scouting, a few good creek crossings and funnels on it. Going to hang a stand and try to peek around on the rest of it tomorrow.
      Won't start hunting till this weekend. I don't get to excited till the third week of Oct and they start really cleaning out the scrapes.
      You on any big ones yet?
      The daughyer in law (ruttnutts wife) got a good lesson the other nighin MD. She had done a hard workout at the gym and had 2 book deer withen shooting distance, One at 25 and could not get her bow back tried several times, and another one at 10 and ended up shooting over its back. Shes kicking herself in the ass right now.
      Good luck man, I'll keep ya updated .
    10. Dubbya
      Anything happening in Kansas?
    11. iHunt
      Thanks. Hows the hunting treatin ya?
    12. Dubbya
      Dang man, sorry about that... I've got you locked in. I'll probably be there off an on throughout the season!!! We definitely need to get together!
    13. Sliverflicker
      Will try and get together for dinner or something while your there. Your hunting a great zone.
    14. Dubbya
      Good deal, I should be in Kansas starting the second weekend of November through... however long it takes :D
    15. Dubbya
      You catchin' any fish up there?
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    Back in Michigan
    Iron Worker, Guide.
    40 years Bowhunting, Coustom make flyfishing nets, rods, leaders, and flies

    Bowhunting, Flyfishing


    HOT SHOT Manufacturing, STRATTON Game Calls.