I just discovered this morning that after two warnings (last year) the trespasser did not get the hint. Decided to check out the area where he had previously been and found two mineral licks and his climbing stand. Both licks are within range of his stand. Needless to say, it is illegal to bait after Sept 1st. I had already thrown one away in early Sept but now there are two more. He is also short standing me big time. This area is where I have killed my last two archery bucks and seen the biggest two of my life. I called the game warden and we are meeting up around 3 this afternoon to check out the area. I hope the little chit is in the tree when we get there. Wish me/us luck! As you can see....he's been wearing this tree out.
Man, that sucks. Good luck getting him out of there. Trespassing has been bad this year. I chased a guy off of one of the properties I have permission on the other night, a buddy of mine watched a kid shoot a 5 point in the butt a week and half ago, and another buddy found a blind in a hedgerow 25 yards from where he was set up. Everyone says that growing the sport is good for us all, but if this is the way it is "growing" I'm not so sure.
Finch good luck with that, I am all too familiar with trespassing problems in VA. If he is there in the tree give him a sack punch while the game warden is busy writing his tickets.
Well, here's a little update already. I'm gonna throw everything I can at this guy. Just searched on myspace to see if I could find him. Well, what do you know....found his ass! There are numerous pics of different bucks and other game that he has more than likely illegally killed. He also has game cam pics of different things with bait in the background.....BUT he's smart or just lucky. Those pics are all dated after season went out and when its legal to bait again. Oh well, maybe the warden can check his check-in record to see if he checked those deer in. Don't mess with the Finchster. :D
I hope you get the little bastard today. Unfortunately that seems to be way it has been growing up here.
Come on Brett....I liked your "coke" comment better but I'm fresh out. :D Just waiting on the call to meet the GW...he better not stand me up. I'm supposed to be hunting.
I would have trashed his stand , that or made it so it let loose once it was at top height. Sorry, I have not one once of pity for trespassers, have a bad problem at one farm with some amish
As much as I would love to stomp his ass in the dirt...I wouldn't sabotage his stand. What if he died? That'd be on me. I just hope he get what he deserves if the warden and I catch him.
Just so you know, in some states making a threat on a message board is a felony. If something did happen BHJ, this would make you suspect number one
BHJ I understand your frustration but no need to place yourself in the same catorgry as this A$$^*!&. Finch is going at the right way i hope you catch this A$$^*!& Good luck
Germ types this on his Blackberry as he drives to VA with some bolt cutters and a hacksaw. Now he's got his scapegoat. :p While I don't like trespassers either, let's keep a little perspective. The guy is a jerk, but risking putting him in a wheelchair or coffin over a hunting spot is a bit excessive.
Good luck catching him Finch. I see he dosent know how to use a climber, that tree shouldnt have a solid rub line on it, can you imagine the noise he makes with it
Is this on your own property? I know if it was on mine that stand would be sitting on my porch, and if not i would contact the land owner and ask to take it down.