Price of 2 mineral licks and climbing stand - $350.00 Fine from Game Warden for Trespassing and baiting $2000.00 I would have taken the climber up as far as I could in the tree and then rapelled back to earth for the look on his face when he saw his stand way up there out of reach - PRICELESS!
Wow, you guys take things literaly Many appologies, but if something happened to this guy there would be no way I could be a suspect First off I have no idea where you live or even care just hate trespassers, dealt with too many in my short years hunting In fact the one DNR agent in my county told me if I run into him in the woods not to turn my back on him. So what do you do? Allow your wife to become a widow and your kids fatherless?
Another thing, in my state if your trespassing and have a stand up it becomes the property of the landownerl If you've told the guy last year and he is still there then he has no excuse, maybe I'm overboard, guess I am just fed up with the amount of crime we tolerate in the US today We have become unresponsible, meaning we make excuses for everyone. YES, you are going about it the right way. But take it back to November 11th, 2007. My house got broke into and all 7 of my guns were stolen by neighbors . Eye witness and dog tracked scent to the back door of the house the eye witness said the kids lived in. What did the cops do? Not a dang thing. Detective took almost a week to contact me and only after numerous messages. Then had the nerve to tell me " why are you so upset, you have insurance" guess I'm at the point where I will just deal with things myself. This trespasser I talked about in the above post loosened up 2 of my treestands, a ladder stand and a chain on up 22 feet. Luckly I put a lock on my stands, otherwise I would have fell from 22 feet as I did not have my harness on the tree yet. Another guy got to teh top of the ladder stand and it had pulled away from the tree 2 feet, he now believes in angels as he said he felt someone push him back to the tree. The rachet strap on the ground. No way it fell off, I double loop it and while I am weak now due to my MS , back then I was still benching almost 400lbs. I ran into this guy, who was mad at me for calling the DNR on him and they caught him trespassing and in possession of illegal firearms for a felon. Well I ran into him and told him if I caught him on the property the DNR would not be called, but he would feel a pinch in his chest, that would be my arrow going thru him. Funny thing, a deputy sheriff was standing right next to all of us and told the guy he agreed with me. Wrong? Technically yes, morally and ethically? I beg to differ. If I would have fallen would you guys take care of my family? raise my kids? teach them to take care of themselves? Walk my daughter down the ailse someday? Be my sons best man? Ask yourselves that first before you judge me, you haven't walked in my shoes and if you did I bet you'd have the same opinion I now have. Well sorry to piss any of you off, this will be my last post on this site, so thanks
No I am just someone that doesn't feel great and in a bad mood right now Appologize for the "venting" and NO I would never do something to someones stand. In fact I would have taken it down and laid it at the bottom of the tree like we have in the past with a note on it to not come back But this other guy, yes, he might not get me on a good day and I forget I am a Christian, sorrry, just venting and really pee'd off when I read about trespassers adn it brings up this whole thing with me So sorry
You forget your Paxil this morning? Sorry dude, what you said originally is ludacris. Pretty tough to backpedal on that.