you can't wrap your head around it because you are neither an authoritarian twat nor a mindless drone NPC. Because those are the only kind of people still parroting this nonsense.
you will never see CNN or MSNBC on our tv's here, its too expensive to buy more after my coffee cup gets tossed thru it ... I figure Germy lives on CNN/MSNBC .... I am a proud conservative, and will never hide that fact .. CNN is now at the bottom of the barrel with all their problems, Cuomo, the pedophile producer, the masturbating dude, Zucker getting fired ... they are THE least trusted name in cable news (no wonder Germ likes 'em) ... MSNBC is as bad or worse ... Hell, CNN and MSNBC are supporting the crack pipe and injection sites ..... nope, wont ever go near 'em ....
Who go home to their kids who were masked up all day at school to “stay safe”. You cant make it up. The logic is beyond the twilight zone.
I'm holding out for the extra set of Ginsu knives, a second set of kits absolutely free and a bribe, uh, bonus if my kids are jabbed...and a fourth round draft pick.
tango recibos Critics mock liberal fact-checking site for rating reporting on Biden crack pipe funding 'mostly false'
Wrong thread and I beat ya to it
kinda sorta - but not quite
Weird, both your links take me to either a response with a quote already there or edit of a post. Think it is the former
That is far from good parenting. That's brainwashing an 11-year-old kid to act like a ********* and then flaunting it on social media for likes. Or maybe the word I should use is "indoctrinating". Good parenting is teaching your children to be respectful of other people's opinions even if they disagree with them, to listen to their teachers and elders, to be empathetic, then to form and communicate their own opinions and beliefs.
To play devil's advocate, I think forcing kids to watch any news media, especially in a required school acedemia is wrong. Bias should never be taught, but acquired through self education. I've seen too many examples where schools only allow CNN into the classroom or as part of homework criteria/viewing. I don't have a problem with children being raised under their parents views, how else do they learn other aspects of life than what is taught within the "system", some rebel while others absorb. It wasn't until late in highschool that history classes/lessons were termed current events. As a youth we are taught about history and it's effects on current times or the lessons learned from it while focusing on the affects it had on that period in time. Only when one is able to understand the past should they be taught the present and future of it. No way in hell should schools be teaching elementary children present day politics without some understanding of history.
To add... During my elementary/middle school years T.V. during class was a reward. Used to get to watch episodes of Reading Rainbow, Fraggle Rock, even now declared dangerous Bill Cosby. The first time I ever remember news being introduced into a schoolday was January 28, 1986. I remember the teacher, Mr. Poole, wheeling in the TV cart to everyone's surprise. He turned it on and the rest of that school day we watched the reporting on Space Shuttle Challenger's demise. Only because a teacher was on board was it brought into the classroom, but I still remember it to this day.
I am on day 2 of my second bout with Covid. This time seems much more like a terrible head cold. I do not sleep all day like I did the first time. I don’t expect it to last nearly as long either. I was exposed while helping a friend at his business.
Damn, you can't catch a break. Hoping it all goes well and the worst of it is already passed. Eff China, no politics can be blamed for what they created. Only a matter of whether one can admit it or not, China is at fault and complicit in all of our infections.
Sorry to hear I hope you are right. So far thats how I feel just a slight runny nose and some congestion. I was going to go to BJJ but didn't want to be that guy so I took a test to be safe. Guess my luck ran out.