just watched the two last Marvel movies last weekend for the umpteenth time, then watched Black Widow ....
Im a newer marvel nut. I binge watched everything from the beginning last winter and have kept up with everything. Im really looking fwd to the next thor
Remember when Snopes was the go to method to end an argument or debunk something. You can't trust anything anymore, be it internet, paper or television.
You see these idot lawmakers in GA not wanting to put up a statue of Clarence Thomas bc he has ruled against affirmative action and such? Actually mad at a man for following the constitution. Complete imbeciles.
yup, that and GoG 3, which will be its last one ... I also am a big DC fan also both WW's (Gal Gadot is a hottie) and Aquaman, #2 is suppose to be really good , only one more WW left in its run ...
President Joe Biden said on Thursday U.S. citizens should leave Ukraine now and he would not sent troops to rescue Americans fleeing the country if Russia invades.
Verse? Because I could probably give you 10 verses that would imply the opposite Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums