Pretty slow opening weekend. I hunted pretty hard doing three sits of about 4-5 hours each and the only deer I saw was 500 yards away in the neighbors bean field. The wind was out of the NE all weekend which didn't allow me to hunt my best stands. I have Thursday slated as an evening hunt after work and that appears to be the correct wind for a stand that should see so action. It's going to change soon though. The corn and beans will be cut soon and that will change everything.
Four bucks and three does hit the ground in MO within the first five days of the 2010 bow season for Midwest Whitetail Team MO...One of the kills was made by my hunting partner Dean while I was behind the camera. Next week we're back at it in North MO on my farm and I get my chance to put one down...
9 days and counting. Tick-Tock I am so ready to sling one of these 200gr Wensel Woodsman Elites thru somethings boiler room.
Could not find a buck to save my life guys, don't worry I will be back at it soon. Any new bucks showing up on trail cameras?
Went out for the first time this evening. Sucks hunting in 85 degrees but it was nice to be on stand. Nothing big showed up. Be out again this weekend.
Todd, No new bucks for me and they are still only moving during night. The crops are starting to get harvested and the food patterns are going to change here pretty quick.
Was on stand at the chicken farm, where I'm chasing a good non typical,thought I cut him off going to the field tonight,no chance, Never saw a dang thing. One thing the the farmer did do ,and that was to clear some cross country ski trails for him and the wife. Right in front of my stand, LMAO, I think it actually will be a blessing as this will open up and give the deer easier access to the fields when the snow falls. The deer will pattern the owners as they will daily ski or snow shoe and will move when their not. Now to start seeing deer. I'll be out Saturday morning, good luck and be safe folks. Rocky
WIND CHANGES AT LAST MOMENT Well got into my stand by 5;35 and the winds were out of the west ,perfect for this setup and 1st time to try this location out. Had lots of action while I had the trail cam in here between 6:35 and noon. At 7 the wind turned from the west to the south,bad for this setup cause the deer come in from the north to the south in along a natural funnel to there bedding area. Well at 7:05 that god awful sound of snorting started and of they went. Got down and walked the 3 parcels of land I have permission to hunt on looking for moose as they are rutting hard right now. Followed a cow and her 2 calfs for about 3 hours and finally packed it in as she kept that 150 yard margin between her and me. Was a great morning out as the colours of fall are in full colours right now and will be falling any day. To those hunting, be safe and God Bless. Rocky
Just Wanted To Let You Know Hey team, I've been asked by a special friend to help him get his annual moose. Deal is he's taken moose in 24 of the last 25 years and is the best moose guide in Alberta. He's mentored me in a way that I would find hard for anyone too equal,so to his request I'm giving the next 2 weeks or more to help him get his moose as he is in need to feed his family. What is required of me is still hard for me to comprehend on doing,he's asked of me to draw my bow ,pass it to him at full draw and he will take the shot. Is this do able? I know the time is no problem that it will take to preform the task at hand as moose are a curious animal and will stand broadside till you threaten them. I'm still trying to think this out to as what I have to do, I'll draw my bow using my release and will clip it on under neath my u string,that's the easy part. Now how do I pass the bow to him with out trouble? I'm thinking we can do it at full draw and he'll be behind me and clip his release onto my u string and then pass the bow over my shoulder to him at full draw. Man we have to try this before hand to see if it's doable!! Tomorrow I will try it at his place before I do an evening hunt and will report back to see how it works out. He told me the other day that he was out and grunted in a 5 different bull's for another friend. On the 5th bull the one friend told Marty to take the shot, Marty tried to draw back and realized he didn't have the strength to draw his bow.To say he was confused is to say the least,he's a Dutchman of strength that I would not want to torment.An avid farmer that I have actually seen lift the back end of a bull moose off the ground that weighed 1500 lbs. So when he called 2 nights ago stating he was writhing on the ground in pain due to his back and not able to draw his bow, I mentioned to my wife that I should actually offer my help to him. Low and behold I get a call from him tonight asking what I thought, I could do for him??? This is where I'm going team # 9, I'll be so tied up doing this for my best friend,that I'll be void from aiding the team in any sort of way to help you out for the next few weeks in getting an animal down for points. Friends to me are the most integral part of this world than any other aspect of my way of thinking than thinking about my team that I'm just another pod of the game. So I'm apoligizing for any lack of team support I'm here for.Take it as you will ,God is my mentor and I'll do what ever it is that makes friends for life a living cause. God Bless and I'll be back with a vengence, Hunt safe and shoot straight. Your Friend In Christ & Teammate Rocky
Good Luck hurry - we'll be here. My take is that it would be easier for him to hold the bow himself and you just aid in drawing it back, either with your own release or actually assisting his release or wrist in the drawing with your left hand on bow riser...just a thought. Be Careful - you know what a broadhead can do!
MO doe on the ground! We're doing some deer managment right now and this weekend we were able to shoot a doe despite wind and rain issues. 50 points for Team 9!
hey guys got the computer all fixed so ill be around daily. So far the early doe season has been slow ive had acturally a couple shots at does but i havnt shot at them cause there has been a shooter buck in the field everytime but this saturday is the first day of buck and deerslayer is comin in to hunt on wensday so he will be here for the opener also so hopefully well both lay a good shooter on the ground and good luck to everyone and congrats on everyone who has a shot a deer so far
Congrats Bowspec On your doe you took,,I went to my buddy's place tonight to try and figure out how were going to do this. He cranked down his bow to 50 pounds and went from 440 arrows to 340 arrows. It shot exactly how his sights were set up for when it was at 70lbs. Go figure 1st attempt at him drawing his bow was in my opinion is he playing a game on me? He looked like a kid trying to draw his bow back, after me shooting his bow I thought man, how could he not draw this back? Well guys he's been to a ciropracter 4 times since and he says he's pinched a nerve in his neck that has zapped his ability to draw his bow. I suggested he still try and draw and I'll place my hand over his lead hand and act as a support for his lead forearm, it worked,we did this about 10 times,man he was all smiles. Now I need to be there for him while he hunts to give him the help that is needed. Well I went out after that for 2 hours in another stand I have selected for Will when he comes for the rut. Got to love it when the dropped leaves act as a warning signal to whom is listening.Well right on tap were the deer to my trail cam sightings and times . The only difference was that this stand was mainly catching does on the move, well to my surprise the 1st on my trail was a spike with 2 ,7inch spikes and not far behind I could here more leaves crunching. The spike followed my steps right to the base of my tree, then I saw antlers. I stood up trying not to scare off the spike in front of me and I took out my camera. My buddy got me into this when he was up for a hunt a few years back. Man I like it,but trying to not be seen with movement is a hard thing to accomplish. The buck almost had me at full draw for about 1 minute till I noticed he wasn't what I was after. Guessing he would have gone 130ish 5x5 with a droptine. I took a few pictures of him till a coyote ran in on them and scared them off,again I tried to take the yote but to no avail,he was off and running. I then went and replaced my SD card in my TC and when I changed back at the truck I realized I must have missed my pocket with the Sd card. I had 144 pictures and 40 videos. Man was I ticked. Maybe I'll get lucky and find it at the TC when I go back in in 2 weeks to replace it again. Matt, fill us in on how the Elk trip was with Will and the boys!!!!! Rocky's the link to Elk Hunt: Nice Bowspec! Keep 'em coming guys...season opens Friday here. Good Luck Rocky!
Okay guys, I'm going out and sitting in a good spot tonight. The wind and weather is right. I'm hopeful something will move. I'll post some updates in the "Live in stand" thread. This is the first time sitting here so I'm optimistic.
hey guys i went out tonight and seen 11 deer 4 buck. I shot a medium size doe for pa so hopefully tomm i will get some pictures of her to put on here for the points and deerslayer comes in tomm so me and him for the next week and a half will be doing some major work on trying to get us both some deer