Yep thats the one :D Tony, man I dont know what to say I wish you the best, there is more out there, you just have to find it!!
Keep movin forward..........stuff happen to all of us, but what makes the hunter is how they deal with stuff. The team is on top lets keep the momentum and mo-jo going team. I will be out Saturday and Sunday. I cannot wait to be setting in a tree!!
Feeling much better I had this other small piece to hunt and their was another piece to it I had permission to hunt but just the small woodlot part of this property. Well it turns out the woodlot is not the piece I had permission to hunt on but a bigger piece right to the east of it. I miss understood the original land owner who got me permission. Then to the north of that piece I got permisson to hunt that also yesterday. I did have permission to shed hunt it this past march and I have to tell you I am so pumped about these properties. I have enclosed a map so you get the idea. By the way the land in the red that I had wrong I seen a B&C buck in that small swamp looking area last year. Yellow X's are stands for now.
Good to hear you picked up some land! To bad you didnt get the woodlot, but that island below the thin blue line might hold something. A piece I hunted last year had an island half that size and I not only kicked up a nice 10 point out of there, I found his shed there to so I am willing to bet he was bedded there.
Bro this pic does not do justice at all. Their is some chest high switch type grass all over the place and to the north of that blue line is corn. A small water hole on the left tree line. This spot is incredible and i will be there this afternoon.
Damn that sounds like a nice promising piece! It is supposed to rain here until about 3:00ish then clear up. I get off work at 3 so right after I get off, I'm heading home, getting a shower and hitting the stand. I am banking on good after rain movement.
10 minutes I am on my way and my gut feelings are damn strong today that I might score. This is totally weird for me to be thinking like this.
Tony im glad to here things are looking up. Man I could tell by your tone :D when I read your post that you are excited about that property. good luck buddy!! Well Gents and Ladies my season officialy starts in the morning Im off normal schedule for 7 days as of now, it just worked out that way My stage is set from last season. I found a spot last year while shedding and tried it in the late late season and man what a spot. I got busted by a p&y buck trying to draw on him. It was so quiet that evening you could have heard a pin drop and he was at 8 yards. he heard my sleeve make a noise and bolted Later in the same spot 5 bucks came in at last light, three were BIG, two sparred directly behind me at 25 yards. The tree was so big, I couldnt shoot behind it. I redirected the stand last year so its facing the right way now. I always see Does from here to, but will not shoot one from there, as I see my chances for a Big buck there. Ill take a Doe in another location. One of the bucks i encountered last year from there, I found his sheds near where i think they are bedding. He was a 138" last year if his brows hadnot been snapped off. One of the bucks was kinda nontypical, his rack layed out to the side like a moose and was palmented as well. Im excited as hell!!
Good luck crick! Tonight I had a doe and fawn right in front of me tonight. Opted not to take the shot. It was one of those situations that was just better, not to mention exciting to watch rather then fling an arrow.
uh uh uh uh $$$$$$$$$$ :D Hey if you guys didnt catch it
Just wanted to pop in and say what an honor it is to compete against such an awesome team!!! You guys are stacked!!! I love so many in here that ......wait .....oops! Wrong team thead .... :D
Guys!, please go with your instincts!!! Lastnight I was going to go to the land I hunt that is an hour away but decided to go to the close land. Not exactly sure why, I guess the long day at work made me not want to travel that far. Well I checked the trail cam that was 15 yards from where I sit and I get this guy. He was there LASTNIGHT! I should have flippin been there. I am kicking myself so bad right now. Then I also have this guy running around there. I got a few smaller buck that get a pass this year.
Dang man, thats a nice deer. It seems that you can be there a hundred times and not see a thing but the one time you didnt go, this happens... I hope you get a shot at him soon.... good luck!!!!