Congratulations on your doe, Rory! Hunted my stand by the house saturday morning and saw spike scent checking the field edge. I also had the nice basket racked 10pt, that I missed earlier in the season, at 30yds. This time I let him walk without even thinking about shooting him. It made for an exciting hunt. I plan to try again in the morning.
I saw five deer this morning. Tried to get one last hunt in before rifle season opens here in Arkansas on Saturday. I saw one shooter (mid 140s) just out of range, watched him come from 150yds into about 45yds. A little too far for me. I guess I'll have to wait til after modern gun to get my doe.
Well I have 3 classes tomorrow then I will be on the way to one of our spots for the weekend. I'll have my muzzleloader though, not my bow. Hanging the bow up for a couple weekends. Good luck to everyone getting out this weekend.
Alright weee gents... I did take a buck several days ago. Another oldie for me... from new ground. I'll post up his tally once the meat is returned to me via la butcher shop. Was out-of-town the last 2 days with my three favorite girls so didn't have it done sooner. Word.
Congrats on the doe, Rory! Duke, that maybe the coolest "harvest photo" I've seen in a while. As for me, I've thrown in the towel until the late season. I usually get back out around mid December. Time to bug the steelhead for a few weeks while the guns are blazin. My "early" season had its ups and downs. More downs than ups. I normally have 1 or 2 does down by now, and I should have had 2 so far. Been a while since I've missed so I guess I was due. Still planning on 1 or 2 before Jan 1st.
Thanks Matt. Some of the wife's side were not as pleased about it... Stay with it.. A ton of season left.. you'll get it done. And Rory... sorry I missed it.. Congrats on the doe!
Thats lame. Photos like that make for great memories. You can look back it with your daughter and say, "Look how little you were, and look how young I was!" Thats the good stuff.
Congratulations, Duke! It was a awsome photo with your daughter. I have a two year old granddaughter that is nuts about deer. She won't watch cartoons. The TV has to be on the Sportman's Channel or Outdoor Network. She checks trail cams with me. I say get them started as early as you can. Keep them in the woods and out of trouble!
Congrats on a great looking buck Duke! I got us 50 more points this weekend as well. I stuck a nice looking nanny this morning. I will get her in the scorecard thread as soon as I get the pics onto my computer.
I'll be back at it this weekend with the smokepole. Just gonna fill my gun tag on a doe as fast as I can if she presents a good shot. That or a good buck. After this weekend it's back to the bow for me. That and shooting some ducks. Anybody getting out this weekend?
I'm getting ready to head out this morning with the ol' .270 "long bow". I plan to get my doe once gun season is over.
Well guys shot my first buck on video this past weekend. Also filmed another kid shooting one too.
Anyone been hunting? Gun season ends Dec 5th here. I plan to hit it hard on a new farm once it's over.
Only time I hunted last week/end was duck hunting on Thursday morning. I'll be back at it this weekend with a muzzleloader in my hands though, on a special managed hunt. Then it will be back to the bow.
Who's been hunting? I duck hunted this past Saturday and that's it.. I'll be back at it this weekend duck hunting in the mornings and bow hunting the evenings. Also probably gonna hunt Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Just not sure if it'll be ducks or bucks :D
Been a bunch of gun seasons here in WI. I plan on heading out tomorrow. We have 18" of new snow and the deer are hitting the food hard.....should be a good sit.