It's a gun kill but I wanted to share with you guys since this is pretty much where I call my internet home :D. Long story short, got out of school early so we could make the evening hunt. Got completely setup at 3:07, saw the buck on a levee looking over the whole field for does, then after a couple seconds of not seeing any he followed the levee straight south and dissappeared. Grunted, he came running, then trotting, then walking. And I shot at about 65 yards. Didn't make the greatest shot (not sure how) but I found him about 100-120 yards from where he was shot. Didn't find a speck of blood until I found him there were a couple spots within a 10 foot radius of the dead deer. We named him Pep because his bases are about as big around as Pepsi cans. He has about 5" bases and a 20" spread. I also managed to get the landowner's 9 year old son shooting another good 8 point, which is the second link. Sorry for putting a gun kill in here but I'm still excited 3 days after it happened :D. Also got the trail cam pictures I've been waiting all year to get:
Amazing.. The best thing about the last video: "put another bullet it" "put the safety on" I was VERY impressed with that.. Congrats !