The WMA atlas is a heck of a tool for OK hunters. I think I paid 25$ for mine but it was well worth it.
It certainly is. Of course you can look at all the info online and print it out, but the maps are great in the atlas. You can explore the Wildlife management areas online @ and order the atlas there also.
I like the atlas a whole lot better than the maps I use to print. A lot easier to see plus it's all organized. Mine has so many markings in it anyone besides me wouldn't know what was going on
Thank you for the insight I in the process now of doing the on post thing just looking for other opportunities because of the restrictions that there are on post. Granted, there is a lot of good hunting done on post for archery specially since last year they had less than 100 archers throughout the whole season. Thanks for the information that you all provided.
Looks like there may be some hunting contest alt dames... by state... anyone interested? there are some qualifications, unfortunately (1 year as a registered member? if this holds?)... but it'll make a nice side contest for this year!
hopefully... and hopefully a few others will sign up... I know of a few others that have been in the regular contest, but I have not seen them on recently.
Well, it's too hot and the crappie stopped biting so I'm back! I hope you all had a great summer! Got lots of little guys on cam already, no monsters just yet!
Got the new Elite Energy 32 from Honey Creek Outdoors sitting on layaway right now!!!! Waiting on my sales bonus from Lowes in order to finally get it out. This thing is so sexy I can hardly stand it. LOL. I live in Cardiac Cove off of Honey Creek on Grand and where I'm at they seem to have skeedaddled.
Hopefully you'll love the new bow! I fished in Carey bay last week and had good luck. That was right before and during the cold front that came through. Of course they could be off now...
Wooo that Elite is sexy! You have great taste in bows, too bad you don't have as good of taste in Oklahoma teams... (Whispers Go Pokes...) LOL
Larry here from East Central (Henryetta) Have place w of Dustin and gettin back on lease West of town. Put a new QAD for Bowtech on my Destroyer, probly need to get a new string. Lookin forward to Huntin season and thinnin pigs out a little. Good luck to all!!! Oh yeah, bears startin to show up around here, hopefully they eat pigs!
Is there a bunch of hogs in that area? We have bear every where on the eastern side of the state. A few hogs here and there but not just rampant yet. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I537 using Tapatalk
Sick of waiting for Oklahoma season, gonna get my MO tag and license and hunt there... It will ease the pain of Oklahoma wait LOL
Anyone on here from Perry or Enid? I spent many years growing up in Ok. and miss it!! You guys be safe and have a blessed season this year!