I've thought this would be a really neat way to cause just more excitement and good ole fashion brotherly competition on the boards but want thoughts from you guys. This is not the start of it, but a thread made to get input if there is interest in this kind of side contest or not...please comment on what you think, DO NOT ATTEMPT TO SIGN UP AT THIS TIME! Here's the concept of rules, applying, drawing and such: ---------------------------------------- Rules: The rules are a carbon copy of the regular BH.com contest and can be found HERE **ONE RULE IS ADDED THOUGH FOR THIS CONTEST BELOW** This contest requires that any applicants to be part of it have been active for over 1 year on the forum as of September 1, 2014. So anyone with a join date of Sept 2013 or older can enter in this year's 2014 BH.COM BATTLE OF THE STATES This isn't done to keep out anyone, but to filter down those who may not be as active as vetted members of the site and is a cool way to encourage returning people to the forums (albeit a very small one). ---------------------------------------- How To Join & Selection Process In order to not get overwhelmed and have to run a 100+ person side contest I want to keep it to 3 or 4 guys per state team. In order to do this there will be a selection process...but being that this will be primarily made up of vetted members knowledge of who is who should help make this possible. I will open up sign ups for one week and one week only. Sign ups will be done in the same manner as the other contest except you must add in your home state (avoid using abbreviations for confusion) : Example: 1. Tynimiller INDIANA Once sign ups are closed I will go through and separate out the states that have applied and any state with more than 4 hunters will enter into a selection time. I will pick the most active member in each state to be the captain (not forced to be) and they will select the 3 other members of the team and the competition will be set. (If no one is willing to be the captain I will make random selections) **In order for this to be a success though people must not get offended or pissed should they not get picked. This is a fun thing as is the bh.com but on a much smaller scale and all I desire to accomplish is a fun inter-state battle that can be watched and enjoyed by all on the board whether involved or not.** ---------------------------------------- Scoring Scoring will be ran the exact same way as the main bh.com contest and if your harvest doesn't qualify for it or wouldn't qualify for it, IT WILL NOT QUALIFY FOR THIS ONE. ---------------------------------------- Begin and Ending Dates These will correspond 100% with the main bh.com contest in order to not have any confusion between contests...as this truly is just a small side one. Thoughts? I know the selection process could get hairy and time consuming but as long as guys/gals promise not to get pissy I think this could be a fun thing.
Does sound fun. Looks like I would make it in by the skin of my teeth. Would be cool to see a group of Alabama boys put a whoopin on some folks from up north!
Lastoneout and I each have our own honey holes...it just doesn't seem fair haha Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Maybe to qualify for the 3, this year or next year take the highest scoring from the contest from the year before. It would take the heat off of you a little. Neat idea. Screw Kansas.
Ooooo....this is a cool idea and yeah would take the heat off of the captain or myself. Maybe 3 of highest scores from previous contest and then they can add a 4th from the state of choice....hmmm.
I like it.... Michigan lost Kansas won lol Assuming one buck rule same as contest? or can states with 2 buck tags add both if lucky enough to harvest 2?
It'd be like the other contest...FIRST buck scored as your Fergie 50 or higher if scores higher and the 2nd deer (buck or doe) would be an additional 50 points. Even if second buck is bigger the first one is the only one elgible for the above 50 points.
Would a hunter representing his/her state be allowed to enter a deer they killed in another state? The reason I ask is that some of us hunt multiple states.
Oh yeah, just like the regular bh.com contest. Whether I'm in Kansas or IN or MI or OH I'm still representing the Hoosier state.