Here's a write up in the Food Plots and Habitat Improvement section I did about a wedding present Lori and I received. We have the blind in our newly established food plot. Miss Lori and I spent all last winter clearing this place out for this brassicas plot. In the pictures you can see what the brush looks like all around (thicket of briars and small trees). Her and I worked a lot of hours on clearing it out. The plants took well to the soil.
Chris, Yes sir it was at my brother-in-laws hunt club in Halifax county. That allows me to use one of the eastern buck tags so I have one more left for here and a few doe tags. Now I go back to the bow and until a few days in December wind my brother comes up from Florida.
Eric, Congrats brother. That is a fine deer to end up with. I am truly sorry you did not find your first buck but it happens to us all at one point. Have a safe trip back home and let us know you got there ok.
Awesome NC deer. Will you be doing a shoulder mount? I might pick up the gun in a few coming weeks, Lori and I am getting antsy for venison and I am unable to get out as much as I'd like. We'll see!
Chris, No going to do a european mount. If I took him with a bow I might have but not with a gun. Long ago I told myself I would not mount a deer unless it broke the 140 range. That day may never come but we will see. If time runs out and you don't get a deer we live close enough that I could meet you somewhere and drop some off. Just let me know. Come December I plan on take at least 3 more does so I have some to last till next season. I have 3 racks open in the freezer and intend on filling them if I can. I grew up on venison and love it. The last deer was donated to my father-in-law for elderly members at his church. I cleaned, processed and packaged it up for him yesterday. Lots of cutlets and several roasts.
I'll definitely give you a holar! I'm also right there with you, grew up on venison and also love it! I was hoping to have already a doe under my belt and in the freezer this time of year and searching for the big boy but we ALL know how it goes when we try to plan a season out haha. Hardly ever goes to plan. It'll come, I know it. Can't wait to take my first deer with a bow.
Late season they will kill those turnips and of course devour corn so if you keep a spot corned up come mid December they will be showing up if not pressured. We still have half the season left too so plenty of time. I am excited about you getting your first bow kill as well. I will warn you though after the shot you might be a little jacked up I know I was and still get that way sometimes.
I believe it. That is exactly why I'm having such a hard time putting the smack down on even a doe... I'm so jacked up when one comes in my bow range that i'm already thinking of killing my first deer with the bow rather than concentrating on the actual shot. I've been hunting all my life and have killed an uncountable number of deer with a guns but buck fever (heck even doe fever) is one the hardest thing I have to control, until the right moment that is!
We made it home safe! Drove straight through, 20 hours right on the dot. Snowed the whole time from when we left, through Indiana, Ohio, and Pennsylvania. Rained the rest of the way. I bet we saw 50+ cars off the road due to the snow, it was crazy. Good luck to the rest of you guys, it is gun season here plus still have 3 and a half weeks left of bow season so I'm going to try and score a doe with the bow, and I still have 2 buck tags left as well! I'll submit my deer here shortly when I get a free second.
Thats a neat looking deer. My first deer was a piebald spike. I got him mounted but my ex trashed him when I was overseas before we got divorced. That was really the only thing I would have cared about. I left her everything else except what I had with me.
Alright gents, miss Lori and I are back at it this evening. We're trying our luck from the ground blind. I hunted this morning and even tho I had a good hunt and saw 6 does, I couldn't get a shot at any. Hopefully we'll see one this afternoon! Good luck to those hunting Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
No luck tonight in the blind. But we did see one when we were walking through the cut bean field. Guess we should of been there! It was a cold but good night with the wifey Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Sorry I haven't been around much lately. Been busy with work and other comings and goings of life. Been to worn out to hunt any the last couple of weeks. Don't know when I am going to get out again. May not until gun season the way things are looking.