***ENTERED*** Team 5 - The Big Toe Buck - 86 6/8” Shot 19 October @ 8:35 am Found what was left the next day.
***ENTERED & ENTERED*** Team 15 The Leftovers 147 7/8 Doe 50 points only one of these count in my double. Number of Points on Antlers: Right: 5 Left: 4 Total: 9 B. Tip to Tip Spread: 9 3/8 C. Greatest Spread: 19 3/8 D. Inside Spread of Main Beams: 17 0/8 F. Length of Main Beam: Right: 23 0/8 Left: 20 4/8 Difference: 2 4/8 G-1. Length of First Point: Right: 6 0/8 Left: 9 3/8 Difference: 3 3/8 G-2. Length of Second Point: Right: 10 0/8 Left: 11 3/8 Difference: 1 3/8 G-3. Length of Third Point: Right: 8 5/8 Left: 8 0/8 Difference: 0 5/8 G-4. Length of Fourth Point: Right: 2 3/8 Left: 0 0/8 Difference: 2 3/8 H-1. Circumference at Smallest Place Between Burr and First Points: Right: 5 2/8 Left: 5 2/8 Difference: 0 0/8 H-2. Circumference at Smallest Place Between First and Second Points: Right: 4 7/8 Left: 4 3/8 Difference: 0 4/8 H-3. Circumference at Smallest Place Between Second and Third Points: Right: 4 2/8 Left: 4 2/8 Difference: 0 0/8 H-4. Circumference at Smallest Place Between Third and Fourth Points: Right: 3 3/8 Left: 0 0/8 Difference: 3 3/8 Totals: Spread: 17 0/8 Right: 67 6/8 Left: 63 1/8 Subtotal: 147 7/8 Difference: 14 1/8 Gross: 147 7/8 Does taken Friday Oct 18 pm Buck taken next morning Oct 19 7:20 am Mathew’s V3 31” Gold tip 340 arrows Swacker #207 Mathew’s rest.
***ENTERED*** Team 7 - Antler Alliance Buck 76 6/8 Right MB 14 0/8 G1 2 7/8 G2 3 6/8 G3 1 6/8 H1 3 6/8 H2 3 0/8 H3 2 5/8 H4 1 6/8 Left MB 13 2/8 G1 2 6/8 G2 4 7/8 H1 3 4/8 H2 3 0/8 H3 2 6/8 H4 2 1/8 Inside spread 11 0/8 Gross score 76 6/8 Shot 10/19 6pm IL Sent from my SM-S908U using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
***ENTERED*** Team 3 10-20-24 Buck 120 3/8 8 Point Killer Instinct 350 Black Eagle bolt Nap XXX 6:20pm Harrison County, Mo
***ENTERED*** Team 8…almost perfect 10/19/24 8:45 am 6 point 59 2/8 Bear whitetail legend Grim reaper micro hybrid 125 grain
***ENTERED*** Team 13 10-26-24 930am Sanlida recurve 45# Gold Tip hunter 500 spine Magnus Stinger 150 grain
***ENTERED*** Team 4 10/25/2024, 6:50 PM 9 point 108 4/8” Mathews V3 31 Grim Reaper Pro Series Minimag
***ENTERED*** Team 11 Buck Score 83 3/8 Shot 5:45 pm 10/26 Recovered 10/27 7am Elite Z28 Fixed blade Last pic is because my camera is broke.
***ENTERED*** Team 13 50 Points Antlerless 10/28/24 3:53PM *long story but thing was sick...deer biologist is taking it for testing. Short summary on team thread post #266 HERE
***ENTERED*** Team 4 Doe - 50 points McLean County, Illinois October 27, 2024 @ 8:30 am Bowtech General PSE Arrows 2 Blade Bloodrunner Whisper Biscuit Nocturnal lighted nocks
***ENTERED*** Team 9 11/1 0815 Private land Hoyt VTM34, 66# Easton Axis 5mm 300 Sevr Ti 1.5 Hybrid 25 yard shot, 35 yard recovery
***ENTERED*** Ones to Watch Mathews phase 4 HHA Ryz Magnus black hornet ser razor 125 146 1/8 11/1/24 9:35am