Did anyone answer the original question? :D I will. I have 2 bucks in my 4 years of bowhunting but they're not much to speak of. The bigger one (and I use this term very loosely ) is a 6 pointer that would score under 100. In the last 4 years, my dad has killed 3 bucks on the same land. One huge non typ that got hammered with deductions, and 2 bruisers that scored 160+ and 170+, respectively. Do any of my peers think less of me as a hunter? Not that I'm aware of. They know that I have less experience than my pops. They know that I don't get nearly the amount of stand time as him. But, they also know that on top of my small bucks, I've whacked numerous doe, which is no easy feat. And they know that I am growing, as a bowhunter. My dues are paid, lessons are being learned and small bucks are being passed on. If given a choice, I'm sure most friends/relatives would rather my dad guide them, than myself. And given a choice, I'd rather Dan Infalt or GregH guide me, than most here. I wouldn't be looking down on anyone else, just going with the proven track records, to give myself the greatest chance of success.
I don't look at it from a competetive perspective.I used to care what people thought about me as a hunter,I no longer do and havn't for many years.I hunt for my own enjoyment and challenge.If some one has enthusiasm and loves to hunt than that's enough for me to strike a common bond.Yes if they are consistently killing top end bucks for their area I am listening very attentively. Just like here most of us have hunted for many years with good success yet we are always hungry for information,to give and to share with each other.
Bar none the most competitiveness/ego's/pride, etc I've ever saw Is on hunting forums!! Never do I see that with the guys and ladies I bow hunt with and some of my friends have shot some dandy animals. I think It really depends on the people that you surround yourself with. I surround myself with hard working people that give their all In their bow hunting but I will not hunt with people that have ego's the size of Texas.
Viper: Do you think your name will be on that plaque? Maverick: Yes, sir. Viper: That's pretty arrogant, considering the company you're in. Maverick: Yes, sir. Viper: I like that in a pilot. LOL Who's name actually ended up on that plaque anyway . I prefer confidence to arrogance in a hunter :D .
I think the hunting shows and magazines have brainwashed the public into thinking unless you kill a bruiser - you are less of a hunter - Which kinda sucks because you have the younger generation missing out on a ton of fun and experience because of perception I have shot a lot of deer with my bow, tons of does, small bucks, and a few large ones I think it is a natural progression - you start off shooting deer any deer, then bucks any buck - then you become more selective I am at the point now I will not shoot a buck unless I mount it - but guess what I mounted the first spike I shot too - FLA hunting is tuff - I killed my first one in 93- killed my first buck in 97 I was in a gun club in 06 - and took a respectable 8 pointer - all of the other guys in the club didn't comment on it - no congrats nothing - but one of them killed a 140 class and you thought the Pope walked into camp - I was pissed,hurt, and felt as though my deer wasn't good enough for these clowns - btw the last deer I shot with a gun as well- shows the mentality of folks - and the unseen impact - I guess useless ramblings - but shoot what makes you happy, I'll keep whacking does and waiting for a shooter - that satisfies the level I am at now -
No, no, bragging is when you can do it, do it, and constantly remind everyone you meet what you can do, have done, and are going to do.:D
I assure you there are PLENTY of losers in this contest, and it has nothing to do with the final team scores :D:D:D
I almost spit on my computer monitor when I read this. Toooo Funny.:D Awww, how sweet Jeff. And coming from someone that loves me as much as you, I will cherish it always. Yeah, that was pretty much the gist of the thread. Why does that make me such an idiot in Jeff's eyes, I'll never know.
I think that yr's of experience vs harvest is a benefit. You might not be presented the shot you'd like to take,or pass up a buck that doesn't fit your criteria. Example, I've been hunting w/a bow for about 15 yrs. I have no wall mounters, but have shot a lot of does & smaller bucks (non-trophy), and have seen many trophy deer. So I know how to hunt, but opportunity hasn't presented itself much. Do my friends look down on me? No, I would'nt think so. They know that I still produce w/a bow, but just not trophies. Do I really care what they think, not really. But when that lifetime buck shows up, I'll definitely be making phones calls.
One thing I find kinda funny about this entire conversation is that to me bucks are no harder to hunt than does. I have often thought a 1 1/2 yr old buck may be the easiest deer to hunt of them all. Now if you are talking 3 1/2+ yr old bucks....that is much different story.
and old nannies are trophies all their own, they didn't get old being dumb - I treasure and like the mature does as well(almost) as a buck
You were only trying to tell me that I did not have enough experience shooting deer/bucks to post a thread about a quartering to shot. But I have Jeffery-son. Just have not closed the deal yet. Well, let's see, I have hunted longer than you and killed more bucks and does than you, most within bow range. (Although killed with a gun) See above. We are all big boys here Jeff. Maybe some are inexperienced, but I am not one of them. If we make a mistake, who knows, we might even lose a deer or 2 due to bad judgment. Most of us probably will, or have. Later:D