Well for those who haven't heard, I acquired new land to hunt on Friday, and tonight I was already dragging a deer out of the woods. It was the first deer I've ever shot with a bow and I'm pumped. The shot worked out well. It was only 15 yards but quartering towards me. I was able to put it right where it needed to be and he ran only 40 yards. A clean pass through shot! Here are some pics: I have some questions though. Maybe you can help me out. Within 5 min of shooting the deer, another decent 6-pointer walked behind me and I turned around quick and he took off running. Then I immediately look to my left and there was a 4-pointer in the field grazing and I startled him later and he darted back in the woods when I went back to my truck. Again after dark, I came back to track the deer I shot and there were 2 more deer in the field which darted back into the woods. Then 40 yards later I spooked a HUGE 10-pointer and a another big 6 pointer right near where I shot the spike horn. Are these deer going to be there in a few days? They were really impressive deer and I wish I had waited just a few more minutes. I'm kind of worried that they will not visit this field anymore. The sign is VERY heavy though. Their trails are all over the place and worn into the ground 2-4 inches.
Ya they will come back. It may take them a couple of days at the most. Ive spooked deer in a field and had them in the same field the next night. How many buck tags do you get?
They will be back. Give it a few days hope for rain to kick the smell down. Congrats on the first deer. That's great v
Congradulations on your deer!!! Dont worry they will come back, may need just a bit of time to let the scent in the area disapate and let the area settle down.
IMO they will come back, obviously some may just be passing through but the deer that were there when you went back will come back because they either feed or bed there....GOOD LUCK!