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Last Activity:
Nov 7, 2014
Sep 16, 2014
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Weekend Warrior, from Michigan

Thebrotherhood was last seen:
Nov 7, 2014
    1. harry1998
      '' Tập tin KML '' chứa các lớp phủ như được phân phối thông qua các trang web, e-mail hoặc bản thân phần mềm. Một khi người dùng nhấp chuột vào tập tin, biểu tượng đại diện cho những yếu tố xuất hiện trên bản đồ.

      Google sẽ cung cấp các hướng dẫn trực tuyến, video hướng dẫn và nghiên cứu trường hợp nhằm cho thấy đại diện phi lợi nhuận như thế nào họ cũng có thể sử dụng các lớp phủ của Google Earth.

      Sửa Chữa Điện Thoại Sony tại hà nội
      Trung Tâm bảo hành Apple tại hà nội
      Trung Tâm Bảo Hành Điện Thoại Sony tại hà nội
    2. TheChurchArchers
      Got a 10pt and a doe in Kansas
    3. TheChurchArchers
      awesome man congrats!!
    4. TheChurchArchers
      I should have 2 does but one ducked my arrow and the other doe i hit far back because my arrow hit a limb i couldnt see. So yea my season isnt started out the best either lol. He'll be back man might be till rut but i'm sure you will get a chance again. Good Luck remember its bow hunting lol
    5. Spear
      I've only been out once so far. My wife and I have a newborn so I've had to put hunting on hold. But now that my son is born and we are home and in routine I will start hunting more. I have some vacation days ready to burn for hunting and I will be hunting full steam ahead on the weekends.
    6. TheChurchArchers
      I had to work this weekend and of course the temps dropped into the 50's haha i'm working all this weekend but next weekend i'll head back up to the lease!!
    7. TheChurchArchers
      No man hunted wed. and thurs. didnt see a deer. It was 75 in the morning and 90 mid day, i didnt feel like moving much myself lol
    8. Thebrotherhood
      Off to a not so good start yet to see one deer :(
    9. jrk_indle84
      Been having any luck, hopefully if wind dies down I'll be heading out for first sit this afternoon
    10. jrk_indle84
      Tomorrow is the day
    11. Thebrotherhood
      After tomorrow is open day o man can not wait
    12. jrk_indle84
      Not doin too bad, weathers is pretty awesome this weekend. Makes ya wanna be in the woods, Oct 1 needs to hurry up.
    13. TheChurchArchers
      same to you man, sure will i'll keep everyone posted
    14. TheChurchArchers
      no prob brother;)
    15. Thebrotherhood
      hey all just got home from the er and just found out i have a infection in my blood stream i really hope this will be over soon i can not even walk anymore my wife has to hold me up so thank you for all the friends add it sure makes me happy :).
    16. Thebrotherhood
      Hey all just found out i do not have the flu i have a tick under my skin in my armpit wish me luck got to go in and get it out.
    17. Thebrotherhood
      Add some pic's up from my deer cam sorry for the date not right i did not set it up right.
    18. Thebrotherhood
      I just got the flu o man hope i am done with this in two weeks:cry:
    19. jrk_indle84
      No problem man, good luck this year. Only about 2 more weeks.
    20. Thebrotherhood
      Going out to my tree stand to do some work on it hope i get over this head cold i have.
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  • About

    Hello all my name is Jason i work in sales and also love to hunt with my dad and brother and also with my amazing wife.