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May 1, 2021
Aug 2, 2008
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Anchorage, AK

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Grizzled Veteran, from Anchorage, AK

TEmbry was last seen:
May 1, 2021
    1. ngoduong
      lớp hoc chung chi ke toan tong hop thực tế
      tại hoc ke toan ha noi uy tín nhất
      khóa hoc ke toan tai bac ninh thực hành
      lớp dạy hoc ke toan tong hop o tphcm
      khóa hoc ke toan cho nguoi moi di lam
      lớp học kế toán cho người mới bắt đầu
      học kế toán thực hành tại hai bà trưng
    2. Autumnsummers1
      Where ya at in KY? I live in and hunt Franklin county.
      Just saying Hi.
    3. KodiakArcher
      The POW black bear drawing for NR doesn't start until Fall 2012. You don't need to draw a tag for the Spring hunt; good selling point for your friends... This is their last chance. I can probably get someone to go with us if you can't find a 3rd. Given this info I'm going to push to do this hunt with you.
    4. KodiakArcher
      Trevor, Just a heads up that I've kind of sidelined caribou/reindeer hunting this fall with the OZ trip and wedding coming up. I'm not saying that I'm out but it'll be a low planning level where I just grab a pilot friend at the last minute and go. If you're up for planning to go after reindeer I can hook you up with a pilot, gear and a place to crash here in town. You may want to wrangle a more reliable hunting partner though. It sounds as if Will is heading up the Haul Rd. for caribou with another group but I can't remember if that trip is before or after OZ. Last I knew he wasn't planning on reindeer in 2011 but who knows with that guy! You may want to pin him down. -Rob
    5. KodiakArcher
      So where are we hunting 'bou next year? Let's get 'er done!!!!
    6. Jim_IV
      Yall ever figure out when your heading down to chase some gator gar?
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    Anchorage, AK


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