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Apr 30, 2011
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China Grove, NC
Archery Target Development

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Grizzled Veteran, from China Grove, NC

Sticknstringarchery was last seen:
May 20, 2016
    1. bradford9173
      Sounds good. My daughter and I are active members of Big Oak Archery Club. Not far from China Grove. We are having a work day last Saturday in March you should Come check us out at our new location on Stokesferry. rd. We are setting a new course and need some working members. Check our website. My email is [email protected]
    2. soccerdan90
      Hey just noticed I had a message lol. Im really good and shot , y biggest buck to date rhis year so cant complain. Lifes good, my wife and I recently foumd out that we are expectimg child #2 so its a little hectic around here. The house we are renting isnt big enough for another child so we have decided to purchase our 1st home. We just had the inspection done today and it all checked out good so we just have to wait for closimg. Hows life for you? I see that you have had a great year hunting. Congrats!
    3. NC_Bowhunter
      Hey man, just wanted to let you know the the NCS forums will be heating up from here till end of deer season...There is not as much stuff that goes on like here on but it get's busy during the season....Between the end of turkey season and say August it is usually pretty dead other than us moderators and a few regulars....
    4. soccerdan90
      Hope your hunting is going better. Mine has been terrible.
    5. soccerdan90
      Tough man. You will get one! just keep at it.
    6. soccerdan90
      I dont get to hunt until October 1st and it is killing me lol. Hope you can get one put down soon. Keep me up dated!
    7. Sticknstringarchery
      Its not a club. Its my property.
    8. Sticknstringarchery
      If you only knew. This weekend has been crappy. Lets start with yesterday. Full moon= no deer moving. Does on camera at 10:30pm friday night is not good for Saturday morning. Nothing Saturday evening. This morning my brother text me (he hunts my land with me) "I think I got one". Here we go again, so I waited till 8:45 to head that way. Normally nothing moves at this stand after 8:30am. I pack up and head out. I get about 20yd away from my stand and 3 does blew at me right infront of my stand. 5 more min and I would have arrowed my first deer and be posting pics of it on here. lol I thought oh well, my brother got one so it will be a good morning anyways. I get there and no arrow and no deer. we look for blood for 45 min and find two small spots 75 yds from the stand. Still no arrow. After listening to all the details I find out he shot a 40yd shot with a bow that is set on 50lb @ 26" with a factory IBO of 308fps. Lets top this off with its a brand new bow. Bought it yesterday. Come to find out his heads are 125gr and he sighted in with 100gr. I feel he mortally wounded this deer. We searched for 5 hours and combed over 15 acres and didn't find the deer or the arrow and no more blood. Needless to say I am not verry happy with him at this point in time. It should get better this week though. I have all week to hunt afternoons by myself. lol

      Hows your hunting going?
    9. soccerdan90
      Hows hunting going? i know you dont want to post anything because you are saving that 1000 post. Cool idea.
    10. Sticknstringarchery
      We haven't had any business going on and to be honest I am done trying to make it a business. I still have all the targets, the yardages are still marked and everything and the tree stand lane is still setup. If you would like to come out and shoot some you are more than welcome too any time. I will still want you to fill out all of the wavers but, I wont charge you anything. I would love to meet more bow hunters and archers in the area. I just moved out here from Gastonia last year so I don't know a whole lot of people around this area.
      We are located off of Needmore road in Woodleaf, NC. The address is 285 Joe Rd. Woodleaf, NC 27054
      You can call my personal number at 704-914-8425 leave a message. I have had problems with my battery staying charged.
      Just send me a message on here if you can't get me on the cell.
    11. ncnat
      Where is the club located? I live om rowan county.
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  • About

    China Grove, NC
    Archery Target Development
    Dad of two and husband. Archer/Bowhunter

    God, Family and Archery


    TEAM KILL!!!!!!

    Walk-On Archery National Pro Staff Coordinator