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Feb 6, 2015
Oct 27, 2013
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Monroeville, Al
OSHA and DOT safety officer

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Weekend Warrior, from Monroeville, Al

Nickstuff was last seen:
Feb 6, 2015
    1. Nickstuff
      l I feel your pain, I havent posted this as Im not sure how to take it, but I was refused access to a neighboring property this past friday to recover a wide rack 9 point I took on my lease in central Alabama. I had issues with the land owner last year as his two sons were caugth several times on my trail cams. I had a gut feeling that would bite me in the ***, but I got tired of finding their tracks everywhere when I got the chance to go hunting. The buck took a direct path towards his property, with every drop of blood I got a sick feeling he made it to his fence, and he did. The guy was a total jackass, when I tryed to talk to him about access, he said thanks for donating to his dog feed supply. I knew my next actions were about to get me arrested, so I left, again, I feel your pain. Back on subject, a hog, a very large hog is the only thing I have ever lost using my trusty lantern. Hope that helps, good luck on your next track job!!!!Nick
    2. Nickstuff
      To be honest, I have used the cheapest they sell at walmart with the replaceable butane bottle for the last 15 years or so. They sell all the parts for it at any local walmart also. The more you use it, you will learn tricks on how to make it work for you, like turning it down low in grassy areas to help see the blood better. I grew up in the south with a dad that was part of a very large dog hunting club. Everytime one of the guys shot a deer they could not find, I got volunteered to track them through the swamps in NW Florida. Did it so much that the men started paying me to find their deer after dark. I was only a teenager in the 70s so any money was big money to me,
    3. Kutzke45
      Thank you for replying to my post! Is there a certain lantern that is better than another? I was looking at their website and the selection is wide! Unfortunately, this weekend I lost a very nice buck. I stopped him and when I shot he scooted and I hit him further back then I wanted. I'm positive it was a liver shot because there was blood immediately where I stopped him. I let him sit for about an hour and a half ad then started on the blood. We tracked him 1/4 mile away before we gave up. We went back in the morning and picked up the blood for another 100 yards. The last blood was a very good amount but we couldn't find anymore after that. This last blood was in a subdivision with many houses around. There were 5 of us and we searched the area for about 4 hours and I searched myself for another 2 after that. This is the first deer I have lost and it isn't sitting with me well. I wanted to put my blue Weim. on the trail but I didn't think it was a good idea with the surrounding houses. I apologize for venting but like I said this is the first deer I've lost and it's bothering me!
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  • About

    Monroeville, Al
    OSHA and DOT safety officer
    50 year old long haired red-neck, married to the love of my life, Cyndi, have two daughters(Alexis and Clarissa), two grand daughters(Taylor and Alaina), one grand son(Lucas) and on more on the way(?). Lost my son and hunting partner(Jamie) in 06 at the age of 21, been a long time getting it back together, survived the mid-life crisis, now old age is kicking my azz.
    Wife shoots competition and a Gun Godess member. We are both long time members of NRA and both have CCW.

    Heads-up drag racing, Bass fishing, Hunting


    :nana: :wave: