By demonetization of a certain type of content they are also throttling down exposure of this type of content in favor of videos that has ads, its not directly censoring, you simply take away certain contents motivation to be produced. The fact that YT and FB that basically owns the highway of news and information is weighting things in certain directions is pretty disturbing the way I see it. If I where a big producer of **** food advertising on YT and FB, it would not benefit my business that people where going around fishing and hunting their own food, if I could influence the highway of content exposed to people in my direction, I would do that.
Do yourself a favor and look up Richard Gene the fishing machine. You wont be disappointed. Also BlacktipH for saltwater. There are so many others but those are a couple I consistently watch
The fishing youtubers already dealt with this issue last year. I follow a couple of guys who do a lot of surf fishing on the gulf because I moved from there to Missouri and miss surf fishing. Bama Beach bum is probably my favorite. Sent from my SM-G781V using Forums mobile app
bro, I fish. And I used to be a pretty darn good golfer. But watching other people do it on TV... again, not knocking anyone who does like watching it. Just had no idea that many people were so into it. At least with golf tournies you can gamble.
I was actually about to buy a gopro today to take my recurve bow deer hunting. Thanks for the heads up.
I like to watch NDyakangler on YouTube. For some reason it is fun to watch him catch bass, pike, and muskie