just wanted a spot we could put our youth photos up! These kids get out there and work hard learning and understanding deer and patience and how to sit in the cold for hours! Let’s give them a spot to post there achievements!! This is my daughter cheyanne with her first muzzleloader buck in Ohio on youth weekend! Hoyt Pro Defiant Easton FMJ Ramcat fixed blade
How old is she, when did she start hunting and what was her first species that she started with? I ask because I've got two young girls, 2 and 5 that I want to get into hunting when the time is appropriate. My 5 year old has expressed interest in joining me for a sit next year and I'm going to invest in a cage blind this year so I can leave it out and not worry about having another one get crushed by snow. Sent from my SM-N975U using Tapatalk
Nice man! Cheyanne has been hinting with me since she was 7, but this year was her second year behind the trigger, she probably could have started sooner but being low income got in the way of that. She is 16 now. And she’s only ever shot at deer. I brag that she’s only been truly hunting for 6 days in her entire life and has taken two great bucks! Lol Hoyt Pro Defiant Easton FMJ Ramcat fixed blade
Thanks for the info. Gives me a great start to begin the transformation from little princess to little princess/hunter/golfer. Did she show an interest early on and you simply got her involved or was it more of you taking her with you before she asked to come with? Sent from my SM-N975U using Tapatalk
That awesome, 30 years ago…. That scares me knowing I’ll be there one day. Love that you still have the picture!!! Hoyt Pro Defiant Easton FMJ Ramcat fixed blade
Don’t take them when it’s cold or miserable out lol save that for when they are actually hunting. Took my other daughter out when it was a windy snowy day and that’s all she remembers is how cold it was. But Cheyenne had always shown interest. I just started hunting about 7 or so years ago and she’s been going out with me from the start. But I never took her if she didn’t want to go. Even now. I only take her out when she wants to. Keep the memories good m. She can go out on crappy weather when she older and has to motivate herself lol for now it’s all about fun Hoyt Pro Defiant Easton FMJ Ramcat fixed blade
Some pics of my oldest sons success. My 11 yo daughter and 10 yo son have been hunting some this year as well. I started taking them water fowl hunting when they were all around 5 yo. Waterfowl hunting is a little expensive to get started in but the kids don’t have to sit as quite, can bring a bunch of snacks etc. that’s what I started hunting as a kid along with squirrels and rabbits. I agree with Mike as well. Only take them when they want to go and if the weather isn’t too bad out. Whenever I take the kids I let them decide how long to stay etc
Sounds good fellas. Thanks for the pointers. That's what I figured in terms of weather. Early season evening hunts from a ground blind. Easy in, easy out, comfortable temps and plenty of distractions to keep them busy/not bored. Sent from my SM-N975U using Tapatalk
I’ve got two boys, ages 13 and 11. My oldest is very much into Bowhunting and my youngest can kind of take it or leave it. My best advice is to let them be a part of the hunt. Let them help make decisions, let them tickle the horns together or blow on the grunt tube. When my oldest was about 5 I let him play with the horns while on stand and after his “sequence” a little fork horn came in. No idea if it was actually due to him rattling or not but he believed it. Not I deer I would typically shoot but he asked me to and I did. It dropped within 30 yards and although I saw it go down, he didn’t. So, he tracked it. He’s been 100% hooked since and has had some pretty good success on his own over the last couple of years. Let them lead the way, if you make it fun they will always be tugging at your coat asking to tag along. When they do… take them, you won’t ever regret it. Top picture is his first kill when sitting by himself from earlier this season. Second picture was his first good sized buck, I had hunted the 9 days prior to that while on vacation from work, sun up to sun down most days and on the final Sunday before going back to the office I had no interest in going out at all, I hadn't seen hardly anything worth getting excited about, but the boy wanted to go, so we did. This buck showed up before I even had all of our gear hauled up into the tree, luckily his crossbow was the first to come up. Whole thing was done in less than 10 minutes after I had put 75+ hours in the tree in the prior week. Last picture was his first ever harvest, killed with his crossbow during youth shotgun season. I've killed a slew of deer, some bruisers in that bunch. The three pictured below are attached to my favorite memories I've got from the deer woods. Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
My oldest has been tagging along with me a couple times a year since he was 5. Last year at 8 he shot his first deer, and got his second this year at 9. We spent a couple of evenings this past weekend looking for a buck, but didn't have any luck. My daughter (7) and youngest son (5) want to start tagging along as well, so I'll probably get them out with me for turkey in the Spring when it's not so cold.
My oldest got his first deer last year. Haven’t had any luck yet this year. Middle son got a squirrel last year, hoping he gets his first deer this year.
My oldest daughter (13) actually had a change of heart and went to the duck blind with me this year. She said she had fun and wants to go again. She doesnt want to see a deer get hurt or die and i respect that. She really is a softy. I wont pressure her. My second daughter (6) is gung-ho but only lasts about an hour in a ground blind. Her favorite part is painting my face . She likes to go to the duck blind as well. I have 2 nephews who i have promised to get out (one went to duck blind with me). So none have experienced a “kill” yet. But the most important thing is keeping them interested, making it a fun, safe, and enjoyable experience, and teaching them that its ok not to kill every time you go out. We got to see beaver swimming, a bald eagle flying over our water hole, a beautiful sunset. It’s definitely not all about the kill. Hopefully when these guys get a little older they will still have it in them. I have a almost 2 year old son now too and if i had to bet the farm id say he will be into hunting and fishing as well. Lets hope so anyway.