Hi My son is 9 years old going on 10 but small for his age. He really wants a bow and I was sold on the Genesis but he shot a browning micro midas this past weekend and did really well. Does anyone have any suggestions as far as a good bow that he will be able to grow with for the next couple years. I am a Matthews fan myself but we are open to any brand. Thanks Eric
Diamond Razors Edge! That bow will last him until he can buy his own. Great starter bow that he will be able to hunt deer with when the time is right.
Thanks guys I am excited for him. He has a very small kid bow but it is time to take the next step. He has been my hunting buddy since he was 3. I am hoping to harvest one with him this year. We have had opportunities but very selective here in IL as we have some bruisers running around as I am sure you have seen.
Another vote for the Diamond Razor Edge, this bow just smokes an arrow down range! My 13 year old LOVES his bow! He can hit cheerios at 20 yards with no problem, and that's no joke!
Not as though I'm partial to Bowtech or anything (right Raceway) but definitely look at the Diamond Razor Edge. couple of different models. My son has the 30-60# adjustable, and the draw length is adjustable from 19-29". shoots 308 @ full settings. He'll grow right into it, and until he can buy his own bow.
Anyone out there have a used Diamond Razor Edge with the lower weight range? Or does anyone need a chandelier man did not realize youth bows could cost so much. Oh well he has to get started somewhere. We will see if we can find a local dealer to check this bow out. I like the sound of it though. Thanks for the imput
Another vote for the Edge! My daughter has been shooting it for 3 years now and it is still a great bow and will continue to grow with her!