I have haven't bowhunted in years; used a Bear compund and recurve when I did. Now I am ready to get back into this great outdoor sport. Looking for opinions on a great bow... Mid-range in price...and about 70lbs... Any help would be greatly appreciated...
I would recommend. . . . using smaller letters . .. and then go to your local shop and shoot every bow you can.
Get out there and try some out I doubt you could go wrong unless it's a bowtech. I'm just kidding, that is for a buddy of mine at BT.
Probably the best NEW entry level bow out there is something like a Martin Bengal, Bear Instinct, BT Tomkat or Hoyt Hawk series bow. If you want a real nice rig, check some classifieds, specifically Archerytalk.com, as they have probably the biggest classifieds section on-line I've seen, and you can pick up some great almost NEW used bows for a few hundred dollars cheaper than they were new, and they still have LOTS of use left in them!!! That's how I've bought my last few bows, and I've picked 'em up as cheap as $80 for a NEW with tags still one it womens/youth bow, and $400 shipped to my door, for a bow that was a year old that had originally been $799 with new strings on it (about $65-70), and a $100 rest on it. If you've shot something you like, I'd recommend the AT-classifieds route. If you have a GOOD shop locally and want to buy new, then go with your local shop.