Just coffee mostly, I usually keep one or two of those little trail mix pouches in my pack. They double as good bait in November when my hands are frozen solid and I end up spilling them all over the ground
Usually little debbies and trail mix. Sometimes some knob creek 100 proof in a flask on the cold days. I quit chewing this year, so no more Grizzly wintergreen long cut for me.
I quit chewing last year after 15 yrs, when I’m around my buddies that still dip and we’re drinking it’s TOUGH!
I hear ya!! Imagine how hard it would be if you tried to quit drinking too. Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
You know they make the apple in Skoal pouches right? https://www.northerner.com/us/catal...re_category/1/id/14276/s/skoal-apple-pouches/
My imagination isn’t that strong! If I quit drinking I’d start chewing again, got to have at least one vice.
Luckily nobody I hang out with now smokes or chews or I'd have a harder time for sure. Amazingly enough I didnt even think about it in the tree stand and I would have thought that would be the worst. Sent from my SM-G960U using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
Yes, I got some last weekend and I admittedly kind of liked it. Wintergreen flavored but they make like 8 different kinds. My thoughts- Too chocolatey flavored. You catch a bit of coffee on the back end. Like 60% chocolate, 20% wintergreen, 20% coffee. I wish they flipped the flavor profile of the chocolate and coffee.
I used to down half a can of Kodisnacks per day in the stand...sooooo glad I quit. Going on 10 years, actually.
I dont remember the last time I've eaten on the stand. Even on several hour long sits. Coffee for sure in the morning and a bottle of water.
Atomic fireballs and snickers. Atomic fireballs help to quench my thirst, the snickers g8ves me a bit of sugar rush that wakes me up and it curbs the appetite a bit. I can do an all day sit with a 20oz Gatorade that way. Maybe a pack of cheese crackers or pop tarts as well.
I usually don't sit long enough to were get hungry. So only thing I take is water or Gatorade. If its a cold enough morning I'll take coffee or hot chocolate, mostly hot chocolate cause really not into coffee. Other than that just gotta make sure got some chew, grizzly wintergreen or sometimes redman. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk