what is the largest deer you guys have ever seen while out and about. weather its typical or nontypical what would you say realisticly that that deer would score. also give the points with the score lets see what some of you guys have seen on the hoof......be honest.......
siman that deer is a mega stud, do you have any sheds off of that deer. when is the trail cam pic, from this year.....he is a solid 180" deer maybe even better than that what a freekin tank.
From the stand? I was tagged out but took a friend hunting and filmed him, had a giant world class 8 point come into 60 yards. Caught him on video but we didn't get a shot on him. I had him pushing 170".
You better believe it! Scored 81 1/2 and had two broken points Any excuse to post this stuff :D http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZcYzEXP8LmI
Saw a 196 6/8 typical back in 2000 close to my house from my stand. I have also seen a 240 non typical that wandered the woods a couple miles from my house on morning about a month before he was killed by a car. I am actively scouting two other typicals that could go bigger than the 196.
I don't really know what he actually scored... I would say high 190's-200" conservatively. He was approximately 4 yards, from the vehicle for about 4 seconds. My buddy sat there in silence for several minutes (literally) and then he asked, "Do you realize what just happened?" :D
Conservatively, 190+. I have some footage from last week I need to get edited and get out. He is at least a 6X6 and has a 6-8" droptine off of the back of his main beem from his G2. G2's are art least 14". Stand by for the footage. (Still editing)
The biggest deer I have seen while hunting would probably go 145-150. For me, that is a really big deer. It was actually during opening day of shotgun in Indiana, last year. It was pouring down rain ALL day long and it finally let up in the late afternoon. Never in my life have I seen that many deer on their feet at once, as I did that afternoon. He ran across the far side of the field at a 45 degree angle towards me and darted into the woods towards the bottom land. And on opening day of shotgun in Indiana.. When it sounds like WWIII on every ridge. He was probably running for his life from other hunters. It was wierd because usually a lot of the older bucks around that area seem to go on lockdown for a while after opening morning... but since morning was literally a wash out, tons of deer were killed that afternoon. Not by me though I have also seen the deer in my avatar, not while hunting, but this summer in the beans that butt up against the bottom of our property. But that was before his antlers really shot up. I would say about a month ago.
The biggest from stand was a 160" last season.....the biggest from just looking around was a 170-180 typical....no BIG non typicals just small ones.
I had an honest 190-200" typical buck stand 40 yards from me, quartering away for several minutes. (seemed like hours). I raised my bow at him but never pulled the string. 40 yards might as well have been 140 yards with the bow I was hunting with at the time. He was about a mile from where Graf killed his big buck last year. I think they may be related. (tho' surely the one I saw has long since died) It didn't bother me that I never got a shot at him, but I so badly wanted to at least get a picture of him and wasn't able to. I only hunted there another two times before the out-of-state landowner kicked me off. (I had permission from the tenant farmer... which holds more weight than the actual landowner in IL... but I wasn't going to push it.)
I saw a buck while glassing in Aug once that I believe would be 180+ inches. This buck was never seen by anyone during the hunting season at least from the neighbors I spoke with. One neighbor did see the buck feeding in a field in Jan. He agreed with me that it looked HUGE.
I watched my wife miss a buck that I figured was over 190". Someone else killed it 2 weeks later and it grossed 204". I have also seen a big NT in SK that I know would have easily gone over 220".
Wow, some of you have seen some tanks!!! As for myself the biggest I've saw hunting would be close to B&C. It was early season and there was 2 of them with In 20 yards of each other, they were In that 170" range tops. This was roughly 20 years ago or so. While up In northern Mn scouting for bear back In 1991 I saw a buck out In a clear cut about 300 yards out that I'm guessing was 180" to 190". He was an absolute tank of a buck, probably bigger then what I listed for a score. I've never saw a NT, hope to some day.
I usually see at least one decent typical buck every year. (140"+) Even on public ground. (tho' it's usually a fleeting, out-of-range sighting). What I don't see are good non-typical bucks. (I see bucks with junk on thier antlers but no real non-typicals.) In fact the little 14 pointer I shot last year was the biggest non-typical I've seen. (and I'm not even sure he really counts as a non-typical... more like a messed up Rob-ish buck)
Both from stand and driving around both would go over 200 and one was last year where we were hunting!!!!YEHHHHHHH. Walt
Prob 140-150 range on public land in Wake county, NC super tall and wide buck - had him within 40 yards but no shot oppty