What was the first bow you brought to the woods? Mine was a brand new 1987 Jennings Black Bear. I had a cobra sight with 3 brass pins, bohning quiver, flipper rest, XX75's as long as my leg, tipped with Razorbak 5's. Pretty sure those arrows were pushing 600 grains. I still have that bow, my kids get some enjoyment shooting it now.
first hunting bow or first bow I hunted with??? I had an old Bear Whitetail Hunter with the old painted metal pin sight... shot wood arrows out of it... first bow I ever actually hunted with though was my current ross 334... it's a long story why it took that long to actually hunt with a bow
my first bow wasn't too long ago. It was a 2006 Parker Hornet. I took it into the woods a handful of times before I bought my bowtech. Now it is my back up.
'93 Hoyt Raider, good 'ol round wheel compound. Cobra 3 brass pin sight, original TM hunter rest, hoyt matching quiver holding 6 XX75 2114's with 4-blade Muzzy 90 grains. Probably on 55# draw weight, memory seems to believe only about 205 fps on chrono. Double Lung pass-through on my first doe(used two blade Gold Tip expandables on her).:d Funny to think I used to practice on square straw bales - and it stopped my arrows just fine... Sure wish I had kept this bow - perfect beginner setup to get others in the sport with highly adjustable draw lengths and weight.
I started out in 1992 with a Joy Valley Archery (JVA for short) Astro. I tried to find and old photo of it, but couldn't. It weighed roughly 47 lbs and had no grip, just bare metal on the riser. Great for late season bowhunting. After that I graduated to a Golden Eagle Predator.
A Parker Challenger youth bow I got for my birthday in 1999 or 2000. Dad took me to a pro shop to get fitted for my bow. Neither one of us knew what we were doing. He didn't get interested in archery until just a couple years ago
Got mine first hunting bow for Christmas 1990. All I know is it was a Golden Eagle. I shot that bow for countless hours from the time I got it until hunting season opened the next year. Hell, I was so dedicated to killing a deer with it that I skipped Homecoming my Freshman year in 1991 to hunt. Good thing too, killed my first deer with a bow that night.
My dad bought me a Bear Whitetail Master in 1998 I believe. Someone actually suggested to me that I learn to shoot fingers when I first started shooting a bow. I don't think I could shoot accurately past about 10-12 yards. I used Easton Super Slam XX-78 aluminum arrows. I think the draw length was too long and I was using arrows that extended 4 inches past my arrow rest...man I was a sight to behold in the woods....like Elmer Fudd.
I started out with a Browning _____ that was about 15 years old. It used aluminum arrows that were 3 inches thick and traveled about 8 fps (now that's stopping power). She served me well in practice. It was a great bow for me to learn on as it was not forgiving. If you were off, you were off by FEET. Went out to the woods a few times with her, but swore I wouldn't draw on a deer. After all, I could run as fast as the arrow. Maybe I would have been better off chasing the deer that year?
I got my 1st hunting bow In 1985 or 1986, It was a Martin Lynx that my parents bought for me. I believe Gri22ly had the same 1st bow as I did. Besides that dad had bought me other smaller bows (longbows and recurves) to goof around with when I was just a little fart (3 years old or so).
My first new Bow was a 1963 Bear Kodiak and is what made the critters in my neighborhood fear for their lives, but it was a 1967 model Kodiak Special that I packed to the Deer woods for the first time.
I first set foot in the woods with a Shakespeare Necedah(late 60's vintage) recruve that my Dad's cousin gave me to use. 2018 fall orange XX75's (with vanes) and satellite aero broadheads. I still have that bow. It's a nice shooter.
My first bow was a little High Country not sure what it was I used it one year and harvested two does!
A 1994 Hoyt Heat...it seems like a piece of junk now compared to more modern bows and the grip is HUGE. But I did kill my biggest buck to date with it.
Here are the bows that I've killed stuff (besides fish) with: Browning Nomad Stalker, JVA Astro, XI Demon, Bowtech Equalizer The Browning Nomad Recurve was my first bow. (note, that's not the exact bow) I then got a Bear Whitetail II but never killed anything with it. I hated that bow and it ruined me on archery for many years. Then in college I tried archery again since it was one of the few social things to do in North Dakota. That's when I got the JVA Astro. (the same brand/make that Justin started with. Isn't that cute?) It has a 28" draw, the shortest draw that was available in a 'hunting weight' bow at the time. It's a clunky, low end bow but we got along great. My next bow is the XI Demon and while I killed several deer and hogs with it, I never really liked it. It has always been squirrelly. I shot it some last fall in case I needed a backup bow. Kendall took pity on me and bought me another Equalizer so the XI is 99.99% retired now. I still shoot the recurve as much as my shoulder will let me. (which is less and less these days) Kind of scared to even draw the Astro back. I know it's got broken teflon bushings and parts of it seem to be oxidizing together.
In 1966 I got a brand new Indian Archery recurve bow. It was a 35# draw and I shot my first deer with it in 1968 when I was 12. I still have that bow.