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Your deer hunting regulation's In your area

Discussion in 'Bowhunting Talk' started by Schultzy, Oct 7, 2008.

  1. Schultzy

    Schultzy Grizzled Veteran

    Jul 25, 2008
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    Are you happy with them?

    As for me I can't stand how the Mn DNR has It set up here In Minnesota! We have a good amount of deer In Minnesota. Population Is In that 1,000,000 range. What I don't understand Is that where I live I can only shoot one deer. You go 2 hours north and I can shoot 5 deer I think It Is. Doesn't make a damn bit of sense! I'd like to see the Mn DNR give out more tags but have them be anterless only tags being you cannot shoot a buck with that particular tag. We've got plenty of deer where I live and hunt. The problem Is that we do not have enough bucks running around. The majority of the bucks are 1.5 year old bucks, not good! All to often the last 5 years I've seen way too many doe's without fawns. It's getting more common every year. 15 to 20 years ago Mn was a top notch buck state, times have really changed. There are still some awesome bucks around but damn It's not what It use to be.
  2. deer_predator

    deer_predator Weekend Warrior

    Sep 17, 2008
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    Central Illinois
    Here in Illinois we can purchace our bow tags at Walmart or a sporting goods get an either sex tag and an antlerless only tag. You can buy as many as your wallet will allow. All hunters are only allowed 2 bucks per year; however there are no limits on the does.

    On gun tags they are a little different. We have to apply to the state for them and they are issues in a lottery type of drawing. You can put in for them multiple times....

    I got 2 muzzleloader tags, 1 gun season tag, and one 2nd gun season tag....
  3. OKbowhunter

    OKbowhunter Die Hard Bowhunter

    Jul 25, 2008
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    Stillwater, OK
    Here in OK we can take 6 deer total. 2 bucks and 4 antlerless. You can take all 6 of those with archery tackle if you please.

    With muzzleloader you can take 1 buck and 1 doe.

    With a rifle you can take 1 buck and 1 doe as well.

    You can fill your 6 tags in any of those combinations as long as you don't go over the limit for the weapon you are using and the total limit.

    We can buy tags at Wal-Mart or wherever. But I wouldn't know, I have never bought a tag:d. I have a lifetime license which makes you exempt from purchasing tags.
  4. huntingson

    huntingson Weekend Warrior

    Jul 25, 2008
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    SW Ohio
    I can't complain about Ohio. They are doing a good job of promoting taking does. Last year was the first year I can remember where as a state the take was more does than bucks. However, I do not like the extra weekend of gun season that they added.
  5. gplant

    gplant Weekend Warrior

    Sep 4, 2008
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    Mich Thumb
    Mich- We can take 2 Bucks,one with at least 4 pts on one side,makes no sence to me? We manage our Bucks by points and not age:confused: Let the 1.5 4 pt walk but its ok to take the 1.5 8pt,That way we take the best genes out of the herd????:confused:
    We can take up to 5 Does. You can do all this in any or all seasons. This year they had a early gun only Doe hunt. The deer are walking on pins and needles and I'll bet the archery kill will be down this year. They banned bait so that will also reduce the kill numbers. Then they will complain we have to many deer? Between the hunters and the DNR Mich is got to be the most messed up deer state there is!!!! We could be the best but between the states greed, uneducated deer hunters or those that dont care and the Insurance companys I cant see it happening!!! I think I started to Rant there for a min!! LOL!!:d
  6. Tribal

    Tribal Die Hard Bowhunter

    Jul 25, 2008
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    Schultzy, I couldn't agree more. As I have said before if the Minnesota DNR would run things a bit different Iowa and Illinois would have nothing on Minnesota. Most of the people here are brown and down during firearms season and that runs smack into the peak rut in most of the state. CHange a few things we would have our share of MONSTERS!
  7. TEmbry

    TEmbry Grizzled Veteran

    Aug 2, 2008
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    Anchorage, AK
    All in all KY runs things pretty good IMO.

    Liberal season lengths Sept 6 to Jan 19.
    One buck only rule, which oddly enough I STRONGLY support.
    Up to 4 deer total in nearly all of the state, 1 buck/3 does, or 4 does...shooters choice
    In the extremely populated counties they offer unlimited bonus doe permits
    Tags are pretty inexpensive for residents, which I like. Nonresidents is steep, but nowhere near the IL level....I think they are about right on these prices as well.

    The ONLY thing I dont like is how rifle (rifle not slug) season lands SMACK dab in the rut...Nov 8-23. I rifle hunt some each year, but I feel the season should either remain where it is and be shortened by one weekend or else just bump it back a week or two out of the peak of rut activity. This alone would make allowance for a lot of BIG bucks to grow old.

    My only gripe involves antlers though, so that shouldnt be taken into consideration really. I think KY does a VERY good job at managing our deer herd....We could stand to hire a few more GWs though. 1 per every few counties is a joke really, they are way to undermanned to accomplish anything really. There seems to be a LOT of underhanded stuff going on. Party tagging of deer, shooting bucks but telechecking them as does, etc....but then again, poachers will be poachers regardless what the regs state.

    Telecheck is a handy system too....Saves the legal hunters a BUNCH of hassle of having to go check in a deer in person, especially when times are inconvenient. Just call in your deer after harvesting on the automated tollfree number, write down the confirmation number it spits out at you at the end and wala, you are legal. While manual check stations might curb some poaching, i really dont see much of a benefit to it really. The poachers will find a way to poach regardless of how the regs read, so in a sense, the check stations are really only a punishment to the actual LEGAL hunters.

    I hope KY keeps up the good work.
  8. rybo

    rybo Grizzled Veteran

    Jul 24, 2008
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    Pittsburgh, PA
    PA is a mess. Some is the hunters fault, some is the PGC, a lot is the fact that our legislators make the rules instead of the biologists.

    You can't regulate stupidity & deep rooted misguided traditions. Which PA abounds in both.

    I'd lengthen our bow season, remove the early muzzleloader and rifle hunt, shorten our gun season, open sundays to hunting, and cut more timber on state lands. A license fee hike would do well, get rid of our back tags, allow handguns in SRA.
  9. in da woods

    in da woods Grizzled Veteran

    Jul 31, 2008
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    S.E. Wisconsin
    Boy don't even get me started, too late! Stupid state DNR & their infinite knowledge on CWD, & eradiacating the deer. Every yr, different regulations, zones, tags, registration sites. The list goes on & on. If they would just listen to us hunters, instead of their PHD's, they might achieve their goal. The mathmatetics don't even add up. Bow hunting this yr is going to really bite. It is going to be affected by 5 seperate gun hunts. Oct. 11/12 youth hunt, following weekend, 4-day anterless gun hunt, Nov reg gun season, 1st week of Dec. muzzle loader season, next weekend 4 day stated wide anterless hunt, & lastly the last 2 weeks of Jan 4 gun season again. Thank God I have a bit of private land to hunt w/my bow.
  10. atlasman

    atlasman Die Hard Bowhunter

    Jul 24, 2008
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    NYSDEC is run by morons who have no idea what they are doing.

    I fear within the next 5 years it is going to get exponentially worse.

    They are jaw droppingly stupid and just when you think they can't be any dumber they prove you wrong.

    I'm 100% serious when I say that you could not run this state any worse even if you set out with that goal in mind.
  11. peakrut

    peakrut Facebook Admin

    Jul 27, 2008
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    We have had 1 case of CWD back in 02 or 03 and still included in the slaughter zone.
    This cwd is a prion that lives in the soil but they continue to want us to kill as
    many as possible. They now have went from shotgun only area to include rifles and
    this is nuts in our county.
  12. wis_bow_huntr

    wis_bow_huntr Weekend Warrior

    Jul 28, 2008
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    Nekoosa, Wisconsin, United States
    I hear ya Peak. The WI DNR wants the deer killed yet they dont and then they take away / minimize the amount tools that most people used to harvest the deer.....The WI DNR is really messed up. Then some of these out of state city slicking @#%$&^@#(@ come around and are able to buy the bonus tags the same price residents are...I think thats wrong....they should pay atleast $20.00 a bonus tag instead of $2.00. For example this is the second time ive seen this happen in 2 years. Group of 3 or 4 out of state hunters come here there other day and each bought 10 bonus antlerless tags. NOW WHO IN THE HELL needs that much meat!!!! These are regulars that come up in our area, they have a cabing outside Neillsville somewhere. Non residents should be paying non resident prices for any tag/license, they should not be paying residential prices as they dont LIVE HERE! This just erks the hell out of me. Sorry had to vent...

  13. isaiah

    isaiah Grizzled Veteran

    Sep 17, 2008
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    Schultzy, it got to the point for me living in MN were i couldnt wait to leave the state to hunt! all of my friends would speak of huge whitetails and i was stuck looking at the same 6-pointer yr after yr! growing up my dad and uncle would take a nice 10 or heavy 8 on the regular, i wonder what happened? have you ever thought about putting in for one of those "residential" permits??? i know there is a test where you have to shoot so many arrows in a group, not difficult at all, but then you go to this meeting and they divide up the park land and you hunt for like a week on a bike trail or someones backyard! one of my guys who is a St paul law enforcement officer swears by it and has taken a few GIANT backyard bucks! other than that, hop in the truck and head east to WI or south to iowa. oh look up CAMP RIPLEY too!!!!!!
  14. MN/Kyle

    MN/Kyle Die Hard Bowhunter

    Jul 27, 2008
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    East Central Minnesota
    Camp Ripley gets pounded, great deer there, but you have to go deep. Deeper than one would think.
  15. Aaron

    Aaron Grizzled Veteran

    Jul 31, 2008
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    I cant complain, Where I live, which is West of the Blue Ridge, we can kill 5 deer, 2 either sex tags, and 3 antlerless only. (one deer per day) Then you have the option of buying bonus doe tags at $18 per 2 tags.

    East of the Blue Ridge, the difference is 6 a year(one more antlerless) and Two a day.
  16. MN/Kyle

    MN/Kyle Die Hard Bowhunter

    Jul 27, 2008
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    East Central Minnesota
    I dislike the MN DNR as much, if not more than any other hunter in MN. The things they do just make me cringe, and the regs are written in a manner that hardly anyone can understand if you don't have a PHD in idiot.

    I live in an area where we can take 5 deer, and we shouldn't be able to.

    And to think, I may end up working for them someday :S
  17. Tribal

    Tribal Die Hard Bowhunter

    Jul 25, 2008
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    I am a member of that organization. In fact I am hunting this weekend near North Oaks and Shoreview border. It can produce a giant no doubt but you have only 1 period when you can take a buck. One period where it's does only because the emphasis of the hunt is deer reduction. It's a good opportunity especially for a guy like me that has limited access to good land. But they do hunt these parks every year so the deer are not around every tree. But a good time none the less. Two years ago we had 2 GIANTS come from this hunt. One was on the cover of North American Whitetail
    Here are 2 pics of the bucks taken on this hunt in Minnesota.

  18. Schultzy

    Schultzy Grizzled Veteran

    Jul 25, 2008
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    Wow Tribal!! Them are some big SOB's!! If you find a map of Minnesota and P&Y entry's It will show that the surrounding suburbs of the Twin Cities and also Camp Ripley are the most entered area's of P&Y bucks. A big reason why- No gun hunting In them area's. If they could move our gun season back a couple weeks, look out then!

    By the way Tribal, your signature rocks!! You've done well!! My hats off to ya!!:hail: :d
  19. isaiah

    isaiah Grizzled Veteran

    Sep 17, 2008
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    i had heard that, that a woman from the cities smacked a huge one!!!!!!! wow thats neat! nice program and i think they let you retake the sharp shooter test if you goof up on another day if im not mistaken...there is something like that here in IL, its at a state park most guys sleep in their trucks and then the lottery is in the morn. kind brutal but it all about T.I.W.(time in woods!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
  20. Txjourneyman

    Txjourneyman Die Hard Bowhunter

    Jul 25, 2008
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    East Texas
    Here in Texas I can kill 5 deer. 2 bucks and 3 does. However each county may be different from another. In east Texas on my lease I can kill 2 does. However I only have until November 15th to do so. I can also kill 2 bucks however one must have an inside spread greater than 13 inches and one must have at least one unbranched antler. I have until January 4th to kill the bucks. That is the end of general season. Archery gear can be used from September 27th through Jan. 4th although archery only season ends Oct 31st. General season begins November 1st.
    In west Texas where I hunt on my wife's boss' land I can kill 1 buck and 2 does at any time from the beginning of archery season to the end of general season.
    I can also use aggregates. Kill one buck in west Tx and then 1 buck in east Tx. The same applies to does. I can kill 2 in west Tx and the 1 in east Tx or vise versa, as long as I don't kill more than a total of 5 deer not to exceed 2 bucks and 3 does. Or I could use 4 tags on does, 2 in each county. I could then kill one buck in either county.
    You really have to pay attention. There is a log on the back of your hunting license that has to be filled out and it must correspond with the tags that have been used. I know more than one guy that didn't pay attention and got his legal limits screwed up. It can get complicated if you hunt in multiple counties.

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