So I stopped at Walmart this evening, just to scope out their turkey call selection - wondering if they had any calls that were great enough to meet His Majesty's lofty standards. They didn't . . . but that's not the point. The interesting thing is that there were two other gentlemen shopping in the same aisle, and neither of them took notice that they were sharing their shopping space with The Undisputed King! I must say, it was quite nice to not be hounded for autographs and pictures - but on the other hand, I was like "Dude.?.? WTF?" Not that I was trying to make it obvious or anything, but I even kinda positioned myself so that they could see His Majesty's "good side" (not that he has a "bad side" per se). Because he doesn't. Both sides look great. I kinda feel a little bad for them now, knowing that they missed out on a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to meet a living legend. Whatev. In other news, The Undisputed King of Archery was recently voted "Greatest Shed Hunter of All Time" by the Shed Hunters Alliance of North America. He was also hailed as the "King of the Universe" by the World Homeless Bowhunters Association.
FRAN,,LMAO!! I hope i never meet you in an Isle at walla walla world,,,,your getting a wedgie if i do
How often are we in the presence of greatness and we are to oblivious to realize it? The two men in the aisle were probably Preston Pittman and the ghost of Ben Rodgers Lee.
What kind of King shops at Walley world? The King should have calls brought to him!!! I did watch your new show last week!!! Glad to see all is well in "Fran World", nice place to visit, but I am glad I do not live there.