That's right, I just picked up another expensive/obsessive outdoor hobby (something I'm sure you guys know about:d). Me and my best friend are going on a backpacking trip in NM in March, and I decided that I wanted to give fly fishing a try while we were there. I know absolutely nothing about it, so I went to the shop and let the dude working there hook me up. He set me up with a rod, reel, some flies, and other things that I may or may not have needed:d. For now I am set up to fish for crappie and bluegill so I can get some practice in before the trip. I am pumped! I can't wait to pull a rainbow out of freezing cold stream in a few months!
O yes, fly fishing is a blast, I have the bug but not as bad as most fly fisherman out there. I can tell you that there is nothing like pulling a 20" plus rainbow out of the stream after bouncing some bead head nymphs past him. I am going to get a little more into it this season and try fly fishing for some stream smallmouth around here.
More details on the setup! What rod? Weight? Action? Length? Curious if he (the shop owner) set you up with WF or DT line? I'm seriously thinking of taking the plunge this year as well. Money is tight though, so I'm not sure I can splurge. Congrats, though, you're going to have a blast. The little bit I've done with my uncle's rod was addicting.
MGH, The rod and reel is a White River Dogwood Canyon combo. I believe they are on the BP website. The rod is 7ft, 4 weight. And it is rigged up with weight forward line. If you are wanting to get into it I would take a look are some of the combos they have on the BP site. I got my rod, reel, extra leaders, a handful of flies, and fly box for under $150. It is definatly no top of the line set up, but for the moment I am just in it for fun. Later on I amy invest is some real quality gear. (Not to say that I have a crappy setup, it's just made for the man on a budget).
Dude, you are going to love it! Some of my fondest memories are of fly fishing in Montana and in Yellowstone National Park. Since I bought the resort in Ontario 7 years ago, I have not been able to get back out there.....and it bums me out! Though, last year I picked up a 10' 9wt rod for chasing big pike in the spring in Ontario. I only got out a couple times last spring with it, but was able to land over 50 of the slime rockets. It was an absolute blast watching a pike in 1-2' of water slam a 6-8" streamer. I am geeked to do it again this year! Be sure to post some pics of your first catch!
Yeah I would most likely start out with a starter setup. I'm looking at about the same size rod/wt (although I was considering an 8ft+ in 4-5wt to be a do-all for me (except big fish).
Expensive???? Just wait until you pay me for lessons!!!!:d :d :d :d :d No, but seriously in the next two weeks... it'll happen. What are you doing on Sunday?
I knew you were gonna pick Sunday :mad1::d I have plans for that day but we'll find time soon. Check your phone if you can find time from your strenuous schedule:d