For the stumps and other crap at my buddies place:d I finally got a little time off from work and making bows so I made the best of it. Went out to my buddies place to do some shooting and to see how the new riser was going to feel. After I spent about an hour on the target bag, his son Jackson (6yrs old) decided to get his bow out as well and join me out in the wooded section for some stump shooting. Jackson has one of those god aweful wheelie bows:d but does shoot fingers so after showing him how to grip the string the right way we both had a hard time missing what we where aiming at, Jackson was even taking 30 and 40 yard shots right along side of me and hitting most of the stumps and other trash that was around, he even managed to hit a golf ball at 15 yards. Before I knew it we had been out there for almost 4 hours having the time of our lives, of course when we got back he just had to show Mum n Dad just how good he was shooting on the target bag:d I can see him getting a Kanga LB for Christmas so he can lose the wheelie bow I never had the camera with me and by the time I remembered I can take pics with my cell phone it was too late we had already put our bows up Can't wait to get out there again and do some more shooting with him.
Sound like an awesome time brother. I would like to get out there and do a little stumpin here before the green up rolls around, don't want to loose a ton of arras!
I tell ya guys to see the look on his face when he was hitting stumps at 40 yards was just priceless not to mention hitting the golf ball which BTW I missed It was the most fun I have had with my clothes on for a long time:d
Time flys when your having fun Russ. I'm happy you got away and I bet the little guy Is too!! Now that would be neat!! Build along?? That's what It's all about Russ, you done good taking the youngster with ya!!
Sounds like a great time Russ , next time take the Camera lol . I bet the little fella would love his own longbow ) .