Tony I'll go along with the kids gun kill, but don't even think of posting no stinking fish pictures here, we aint that sorta folks ya know.
Kind of Ridiculous if you ask me... not Andrew with a deer, but the fact to start a thread with the intentions that were intact Just to "prove" something he already said he'd or anybody would love to see(Andrew, behind a deer). WHEN it happens, just do it, you would have gotten nothing but positive responses I'm sure. To come on here and make a thread just to point fingers and see I told you so... kinda immature. Now look whats happened, a full blown 5+ pages of BS. And all the parties involved KNEW it would be this way. When he kills it, post it. Who's heartless enough to come in That thread and say something negative? If they don't like it they won't post. A lot less drama if you would've just posted it when it happened. Just my .02 I love all you guys.
For crying out loud It's his son!!! This shouldn't be a question In nobody's mind. Post It up Preach.
OK ... time to sign the letter I love you guys, thanks to ALL for their participation and for the 5 of you that voted not here ...go pound sand :D (jess playin! ) I will be posting an update on Andrew in a week or so, as we will have had him a year already ... and Jeff, I KNOW you are looking forward to that post ... I appreciate all you guys that have supported him in your gifts, offers, and prayers .... I have ALOT to report God Bless
I said I was done ... ok,,, THIS is it :D Greg ,,, remember when you were younger and we fought with our friends, sometimes visciously :D ...afterwards hands were shook and we went back to just being friends ... it's kinda like that Now our wives our COMPLETELY different they hold grudges
Tests show they have a special compartment in there brain that holds information on things that people have done wrong to them but they can't find anything else for memory. At least in my wife:D boy I hope she don't read this.
Men compartmentalize every subject in a different box inside their brain. Each box has only that one subject in it. While most of us have many boxes within the brain, there are a select few that only have one box entitled "ME". For the majority of men when something is said, we go to the box that contains that subject and then respond. For the select few, when something is said, it must be about "me" so that go to their little box and start speaking useless banter. Women's brains are one long and large ball of string where each subject is connected to the next. They can travel down that string with the speed of light and be onto something else from the past within a nanosecond.
KEEP THE GUN KILLS WHERE THEY BELONG, PREACHERMAN!!! :D J/K'ing, I think you'd be doing us an injustice by not posting them here, and for the record, I voted no just to make the numbers look more conspicuous!!!
you bringing andrew down for the PA rifle season???????? I'm off the First day and i'm taking my Daughter. then i have to work the next two days then i'm off the rest of the season. The invation last year was for both of you (Andrew is welcome), The invation is still good for this year!!!!!! i know he has school but there is SATURDAYS and i'm off both Saturdays of rifle season!!!!!!!!!! The first day is a monday 11/30/09, we have school off here NATIONAL HOLIDAY