Sat 6 times this weekend. Saw a lot of young bucks and does with fawns. Nothing for the scoresheet yet... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I got my dad set up to chase his first Ohio deer. For the next 4 days he will be after a 130" 9 pointer or a bossy old 120" 8 point. They're at the stand half an hour before legal light and a half hour after sundown, but we're using every trick to get them up and moving during the day. On Sunday there were 17 scrapes and 5 rubs within 40 yards of this stand, so he should have action of some sort...
Lot of young bucks on camera now... need some traveling monster come by soon... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Hope everyone is having a great season, sounds like we've had some success and some close calls. Got a doe on saturday. I will enter her in the scorecard once the hunt airs on BHOD. Gonna take this weekend off and spend it with the family, then its time to hunt hard for the hitlisters. Its just starting to get good boys keep at it. Saw 10 2.5-3.5 bucks this weekend. The little guys are starting to get love sick. It'll be a couple weeks still to the big boys really start moving but you never know! Go get em!
The best is yet to come. I've heard reports of fighting bucks showing up on camera in my area. Is everyone's season open now?
Sorry for the absence. I sadly haven't been in a tree once this year and the season has been open since labor day , i blame it on getting things ready for the wedding that happened last 2 weekends ago. Hopefully i will be able to make it out here some time soon we have been getting snow flurries on and off for the past week. I'm hoping the change in weather will start making them move at an earlier time.
Well, my dad's first sit was cut short by the neighbor shooting his direction and banging on metal near the property line.
Going back to the farm Veterans Day weekend. Hopefully I fill some tags then. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Hoping to be in a tree this afternoon. The time is quickly approaching. Holding out as I have the first two weeks on Nov off. Can't wait!
I got Saturday and Monday for both evening and morning sits. A three day weekend before starting my new job on Tuesday.
ok doe kill posted to scorecard For those that are interested in the kill: now we its time to kick some bucks over!
I just put one through another doe. Haven't gotten down to check the arrow yet. Update to come later.
Clean pass through. Good red blood from tip to tip. Minuscule, practically non-existent blood trail. I thought a 2" mechanical would leave better. Followed on hands and knees until dark. Will look again tomorrow. What has me worried was the coyotes I heard as I was getting back to the vehicle.
Today's search was a bust. I managed to follow the blood trail another 50 yards before I lost it altogether. In the direction that the blood pointed, I found beds but nothing with blood. I found places where the creek had been jumped, again no blood. My current theory is that the hit ended high, through the backstraps. Non fatal wound. I have some evidence to back up this theory but unfortunately, I'll never know the truth.
That sucks. I hate losing one but it happens and anyone who has archery very long usually has. I'm not sold on the big 2 blade expandables after using them for a couple years. Not sure if the angles play a part but I switched to a 3 blade this year looking for better penetration and blood trail. Ill say that deer are tough even w/ holes in them. I shot one high once and looked for her for two days. She had the arrow stuck in her after I shot. A week later I found my arrow w/ teeth marks in it at the exact spot I had shot. I'm sure she lived. Deer are tough animals for sure.
I know that I will have another chance. I jumped 4 different deer while I was tracking/looking. Might be back in the stand this afternoon