I was in the market to try a new stabilizer seeing as my current one doesn't do much stabilization OR dampening. I had all sorts of options to pick from, but I realized I wanted to prioritize stabilization over dampening, as I feel my 101st is pretty quiet as is, and felt vibration is at an acceptable level. I found this new "company" over on AT (actually it's just a one man operation I believe) marketing a stabilizer called Xtreme. When I first opened the package, I was very impressed with the fit and finish of this stabilizer. The machining is top notch, and it screws down very secure and doesn't loosen over time with repeated shots (like my last stab did). A look at the stabilizer with all weights attached on my bow. I've personally found one weight removed offers me the best balance so far in my initial testing. He offers a 12" stabilizer with three removable weights (4 if you count the main weight attached to the threaded rod). Each weight is 2.53oz, so you can add or remove to find your balance point. The only downside to this system is that if you shoot with a wrist sling, the extra added width with the full weight set installed will put you over the IBO HC limit (depending on how picky they are). I'm not really keen on the metallic finish for hunting purposes, but you can have these dipped in whatever finish you like for an additional $25. I will just hit them with a flat black paint. The weights off the bow. The added Bowjax dampener does help some in the vibration end of things, so that was an added plus. I like the carbon fiber finish of the shaft, and although it does put off a slight glare, I think it will suffice for hunting. So far, I've only shot one Vegas round with it, and a few random shots tonight. I'm still playing with the weights to find my perfect balance point, but I'm certainly satisfied with it so far. It's leaps and bounds above my previous stabilizer, and although in my current form, it's not ideally setup for hunting (with the metallic silver), with custom camo dipping or flat black dipping, this would be the perfect combination for hunting and target. Final price was $59 shipped, so with dipping, you are looking at about $85 shipped. That's about on par with many of the stabilizers of this size on the market, but with the added benefit of a fully customizable weight set. He will also make one to custom lengths as well.
Thanks for the review Matt. I currently am shooting two Posten stabilizers on my bows and I always love helping out these "one-guy" companies. Jim has a similar stabilizer out called the Slim Jim. I have always been curious to try them out, as it really saves on the "in-between" weight and puts most of the stabilizer weight towards the end, where you want it. The more I think about long stabilizers, as I have another 10" Posten on order, I think I should have went with a 7" or less for strictly hunting purposes.
Yeah I was originally going to go with a Posten. I like supporting the little guys, as well, and I really wanted a weight system, because it seems I can never find the perfect balance point. The price was hard to beat, and I liked what I saw in the machining, and it hasn't disappointed yet. The ONLY other stabilizer I think I like more is Paradigm Archery's SOS. It has a ridiculously endless list of customizations such as varying body lengths (can make it a shorter stab, or add tubes to make it longer), quick disconnect or set screw, inline mount or offset mount, and the internal half moon weights that adjust INTERNALLY as well as side to side. It will most likely be my next stabilizer.