I've saw allot of different wood through out the years cutting and splitting but that grain don't look familiar at all.
I know that wood was rough as hell, but once you start to clean it up, you will see some really cool grain. The edges I cut off of it had some awsome curls and swirls. Im just sorry I didnt have anymore. Ill have more in the future. And next time you are down, you can drag a truck load home. We might even get logs long enough for limb material.
I better borrow a trailer then cause I plan to bring home a truck load of meat:d I am gonna do some limb butt overlays out of some over the weekend they should look good with Jatoba on the back Yellowheart on the belly and antler tip overlays mounted on a Morado riser
Rowell Got loads of it, next chance you get, let me know and we can hook you up. Maybe drink a few beers in the process.
Hey Kent you and Dinkus going to come out the 20th for the night shoot? I don't shoot at night(sounds like poacher practice)we can burn some animal flesh and strangle long necks!:d