WOW, guess some things never die. Think I have to watch fat fingers lock himself in a bedroom again tonight on HBTV. Always get a great laugh out of that. And Hank, I don't recall ever an incident of spooning at my tent. You clearly forget that I am a crazy sob and only spoon with my 9mm!!! LOL
You are the schwag master and didn't want to have to blog your fingers to death! :d You were simply spreading the pain and agony of review.
Funny boys!!! :d first off my fingers are not fat damit Its the whole package i tell ya. :d Those are a real mans hands :d Now i have decided to show up at the G2G and put the Dink woopin on yens, AGAIN secondly,,,,,,you guys suck!!! BUT I LOVE YA'S MAN PS: Damit race, get your arrows right on the >>>BAM<<< WOULD YA :d
Dam i miss hanging with you creeps :d come on June..Bucko, thanks for taking your buddys out of Indiana, it smells all better now Did you give the waitress my regards at Hooters?? :d
I heard they had a good time at Hooters. I never made it over. I was at the bar that they were going to join me at but never showed up! LOL
Peakrut had to get home in time for a few 3's company reruns so Duke and I missed the Indy Hooters experience
How can it be stalking when they(Gregory) was walking around looking for me? Think maybe he was stalking me! His wife could stalk me anyday though!
I still want to know what happened the night before at the club. What pissed off that chick so much? Note to self: Don't talk politics with a dancer!
You talked politcis with a dancer? Boot to the head! Raceway we have to be there next year so chit like this doe's not happen again! Politics BAAA HAAA HAAAAA