Better watch your back or you might get jacked, jfergus7 don't take no crap.... Having met the worlds only living legend on two occasions, I know of what I speak. Tread lightly or experience his mighty wrath It doesn't hurt him having Peakrut's devilish temper and iron fist in his corner either.... These two guys are the reason we don't have any moderators here on, us living in fear of their reign is all that is needed to keep the site in line :smash:
Your the Pro Staffer, I am just a spec on this great website! I am actually inspired to be like you Scott. I want one of those email addresses. But a Pro Staffer I never will be! LOL
The way he was throttling around Benjamins at various celebrities interested in "be-friending" him, Fergus might take you up on the e-mail leasing offer Scott.
I read the fine print and I am unable to make an offer. It seems that by leasing the [email protected] address one must turn in all bows that do not possess the Bowtoy name and for length of said contract only shoot Bowtoy. I refuse to give up my Hoyt! No email address is worth that!
Hmmmm. I would have to agree Fergus, I'm not even sure a hunting staff offer from Bowtoy could get me to give up my Katera let alone the email addy.
I will have you know I purchased no friends at the ATA. If memory serves you were rather impressed with how many people knew me by the end of the show. Although I have no doubt many of them remember me and the WKP crew as the wasted group at the Hyatt the night before!
Don't get me started Bols, I remember a certain someone trying to get Peakrut to share a pack of Rage Broadheads that he got for his review and even got a pack of broadheads I was going to review out of the kindness of my heart:evil: .
Is this the same Ferg I know? and peak is his fist weilding body guard? Man, im backing out of the G2G out of fear :d
Get them drunk enough and....well, you know the rest Fergus. Uh Oh! Not another gtg tenting nightmare story! Now Ferg, I hope that no one is going to accuse you again of any spooning.
Don't worry about it bloodcrik, you will be fine at the G2G. You can always knock the crap out of any of us with those awsome rocks you make