Tonight was a great night :d I headed out at around 5:30 to sit over the field that I arrowed my gobbler last spring. It was pretty boring till around 7:00 p.m. when two hens entered the field roughly 350 yards away. I grabbed the camera and snapped a picture then reached for the camcorder as it has a 60X optical zoom. They must have saw me as they turned and headed back into the woods. I was hoping to see more action so I decided to head to the other section of the farm on the opposite side of the road. There is a gaswell road that I usually walk up to get onto the top of a hill that allows me to look over two different fields. As I am walking up the road I can hear some yelping down in the bottom field to my left, so I decide to check the field to the right. I peak over the hill and the field is just loaded with deer, I didn't count but there was easily 30 deer scattered throughout the field. I didn't figure that they would still be yarded up but they obviously are. Well, I decided to sneak back up to the top of the hill and just sit and listen for any gobblers down in the bottom field where I heard the hens yelping. As I crested toward the top of the hill the field turned black.... turkeys everywhere. There were atleast a dozen strutters, probablly 40-50 turkey total, and I would guess that more than half were gobblers. They spotted me so I had to hurry up and snap a few quick pics, they aren't the best quality but they are the best I could do. I only got a small portion of the flock on my camera but I plan on goin back to this field edge with my blind a few nights over the next week in hopes of getting some better photos. This point is where I arrowed my gobbler last spring... Just two neat photos of the sunset over the field... These are the first two hens that picked me off from 350 yards... Just a few of the deer... And just a small sample of the turkeys, as you can see, most are gobblers (sorry for the blurry photos, I was tryin to hurry and snap these before the turkeys left the field)
Looks like an awesome property. I guess you know where you'll be opening morning of turkey. Nice pics.
Thanks guys, I was pretty pumped. The birds are in a pretty tough spot to hunt, but I do know the area like the back of my hand and know where they roost every spring. More than likely this group will split up and some of the birds will move into two other properties that I have to hunt, any way you cut it I have access to the birds!
Great pics! I went out last night, also. . . saw 4 deer, heard two gobblers and almost got struck by lightning