Well, I decided to check my game camera today. I set it up right off my back yard Monday evening. I put out some corn in front of it in hopes of getting some pics of the turkey that I saw back there while shed hunting. I pulled the front off the Reconyx and it showed that it had taken 866 photos. I started scrolling through and came upon a few pics of this doe, talk about a fatty. She looks as fat as a small cow, she has either been eatting ALOT or she is pregnant! And then of course, I did get these guys on camera. I wish I would have got some better photos of them but I figure that they will be back within the next few days.
John, I would have thought that the fetuses would have been bigger by now, they should be around 2-1/2 months old. I can remember my grandfather shooting a doe several years ago in our late muzzleloader season that was pregnant and it had two fetuses that were a little smaller than a can of soda. Here is a full size photo of her that I cropped to give a better idea of just how fat she looks. I am sure that the winter coat has something to do with it but dang, she is still a porker
I've seen images of deer shot in mid-late January (someone on HNI posted it) that had two fetuses in it that were decent sized. However, NONE of the doe in our area (and we have them feeding daily in the woods behind our house) are showing like that, yet. Probably a combination of pregnant, winter coat, and well...fat!
Prolly has triplets in there......Even if they are peanut sized, that takes a lot of space. But then again, maybe she just needs Jenny Craig. LOL
Interesting that you would mention that, Monday night I got a few hundred photos of her with 3 of last years fawns. All the night photos I have of her were with these three fawns, but the daytime photos she one has one with her.
Certainly a big Doe, healthy indeed. If you look at the second pic, i think the white that looks like her belly is some showing on her hind leg/thigh area. Id say she is one of those big smart nannys that like to bust us in the tree :d
Heh.. That made me laugh. 28 days, but you gotta remember to roll the eggs around every couple hours. :d ..wait, that's chickens. The deer gestation period is about 200 days.