I have never,I would never.Its not a shot I practice,or would feel good about.Not even with a rifle! If anyone bragged about a kill like that,I'd be like''WTF''is the matter with u?It seems wrong to me. Its a matter of ethics and personal integrity,some ppl have neither!
I'm missing something, it's not like a stocked ring neck that won't fly......it's a deer, a wild deer. What's unethical about it?
I'd definitely watch it. Whats the hurry!? What's it gunna hurt to hang out and study it while it chews its cud or just relaxes? I'm not saying I wouldn't harvest it BUT I would wait until the last possible moment. Watch it stand up and WHACK take my shot. Thats assuming it presents a good shot, if not then I end up where I started. lol
If u'r willing to shoot a bedded deer then u'd probably shoot a buck while he was ''mounting''a doe! lol To each their own.....I'd wait the 10 seconds and let him finish,its the least I can do....
I agree Ben, the chance of you hitting a startled deer where you want compared to a still bedded deer is night and day! I don't think this is an "ethical" thing, but more of an experience thing or time in field. Also knowing where the vitals are and what angles are necessary, as well as confidence.
I haven't a clue as to what exactly you are talking about? But i'm getting used to that in your posts
I have with a handgun but never had the need or opportunity with a big game animal. I would if I was convinced I could put it in the vitals.
Excuse me while I remove the soapbox from beneath the "Town's Flower." I've shot a bedded deer that had a bad shoulder, moved my stand a little bit around my tree so I could take the shot, and place the shot very nicely from 43yds. away. The deer died, the meat was consumed, the ethics and personal integrity were completely unscathed. With a rifle, shotgun, or a bow, if the shooter is confident with the shot, then more power to him/her. Stalking up one and shooting a bedded deer requires a pretty fair amount of skill, especially with a bow, and a hunter capable of such a feat is indeed a GOOD HUNTER. Just because you're not competent or confident to take the shot don't mean others aren't. If you asked me "WTF is the matter with" me, I'd let you know that there is NOTHING "the matter" with me. If it's not your "cup of tea" then so be it, but don't go judging others based on your skewed view on the subject, because your view is only one of MANY.
Yes I am a good hunter!!! Oh ya Was walking to my stand one day and happened to look to my right and 10 yds away was a huge doe just watching me. I turned, drew, and smoked her. I shot her a little back due to the fact that she was slightly quartering away and I knew I had to avoid shoulder. She ran 60 yards and died. Pretty ethical to me since she was dead in about 5 sec or less.