My turn for a hypothetical question:D Lets say this year you shoot a monster buck. The new world record typical/non-typical with a compound (if any of us were to ever get that lucky). Would you hang up your bow when it comes to whitetail bucks? Would you pick up traditional archery and stick with it from now on? Would you focus your hunting on different game (elk, caribou, etc)? Or would you continue to shoot mature bucks even though there is a 99.99% chance you'll never kill another buck of that caliber? Thoughts? If I shot a buck of that size I would like to think I'd hang up my compound and stick with traditional archery for whitetails. I'd also focus more on getting to different parts of the country/world with my compound and try to take different species. And for the sake of the thread let's assume we all have a chance at a world record no matter where we live
Wouldn't change a thing - except maybe how my bar area is set up in the basement ...only thing holding me back from trad bow currently is time to shoot soon as the kids are old enough to want to hang with their friends instead of Dad...I'm sure I'll make the switch... And my future plans now include other critters beside whitetails...and I'm super excited about that.
I'd chalk it up to dumb luck and keep hunting. What else are you going to do, hold out for a bigger one every year?
I would keep on trying to kill mature whitetails. They are my favorite animal to hunt. Besides, I still have that .01% chance. :D
It sounds like you would think of yourself as an accomplished archery hunter just because you took the largest buck in the world. To my knowledge alot of the world record book bucks are taken by inexperienced hunters that just got lucky! I would definitely not change anything and would keep on keeping on with the compound cause I would no way be an expert of archery just because I took a large antlered deer.
I like hunting whitetails so I would continue to do so with my compound. I don't see why I would change anything just because I got lucky and shot a world record?
I'd keep going for sure. Everyone is different and it's own adventure no matter what size. But, I definetley might look at trying something new as well.
i'd still hunt whitey's, but I'd spend most of my time/money on different game, elk in particular, but caribou, bear, mulies, coues and turkey... white tail deer would become a thing I hunt when I can't hunt something else...
I don't think I could ever give it up. It's not about the animal as much as it is time spent decompressing. Don't get me wrong, I am fanatical and obsessed, but I couldn't give it up for any reason.
Thats some good shootin Greg, I drove three hours (I was north of Denton) and shot 4 on our company hunt. It stunk, but I did shot more birds than anyone else:D I already consider myself an accomplished archery hunter. I've killed a few does and a respectable buck (IMO). It took me 13 years, but I did it. But, I'm not to the point I want to be at yet. I have a feeling one day will come when I want to challenge myself more. If I have a few nice P&Y's and a B&C buck on the wall that I earned, than I'll most likely switch to Trad. I honestly have no idea whether or not the hunters who have shot World Record bucks were "lucky". Killing any mature buck requires hunting smart, being in the right place at the right time, and a little bit of luck........IMO
I wouldn't stop. No way. To many other nice mature bucks out there. The only thing that would change is that I would now have a full body mount of that buck somewhere in my house....maybe a whole room/nature scene devoted to him!! LOL
Lets see, if I killed the world record with my bow I would just keep on keepin on, I'm a hunter! I don't own a compound anymore, so yeah I'd stick with my current set up! :D
Did Jordan quit after his first NBA title, did Farve quit after he won the Super Bowl, will Tiger quit right after he surpasses Jack??? No, no, and no. And you can put me down for a no also ;-)