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Would you do it?

Discussion in 'Bowhunting Talk' started by MNKK, Nov 27, 2008.

  1. Schultzy

    Schultzy Grizzled Veteran

    Jul 25, 2008
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    LMAO! That's what It's there for.
    I'd watch a little closer In what you say from now on. Practice what you preach. Maybe you should of done that a little more on the other site.;) Arguing Is one thing, talking stupid Is another. I thought you were an alright guy when you were still able to be on the other site. You sure fooled me.
  2. atlasman

    atlasman Die Hard Bowhunter

    Jul 24, 2008
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    That is sweet.


    I would.......without hesitation.

    I thought you were an alright guy before you told me you shoot family pets.

    I bet you're still an alright guy ;) just took what I said personally when you shouldn't have......I was never speaking to "you" specifically.........just a general "you".......meaning it applies to anyone.
  3. kolbster

    kolbster Newb

    Nov 28, 2008
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    I am new to this site and none of you know who I am, but here is my take on the situation. Two nights ago I was lucky enough to take a nice eight point that fell within 35 yards. We live on the property in which I hunt so my dog has free range of my in-laws property. What do you know, as I am walking to my deer after dark I hear something where the deer fell. As my dad and I approached we saw it was my dog. Yanking at the deer wound and wrestling it around. He sees us and proceeds to do this until i tell him to stop. He then comes and licks us. Ferociously! My dog loves to find my deer and does the same to those who fall to coyotes. He is a 100 pound lab mix who will wrestle a dead deer and lick the guy who shot it. Stranger or in my case "daddy". If I yelled at him from a stand he would not stop, but he poses no harm. In my opinion shooting a dog is not only not necessary, but wrong. (unless you are in imminent danger). Just my two cents. My dog is like another son to me and he goes on to our neighbors property because lets face it,Dogs can't read posted signs. Next time tell your cousin to get down and approach cautiously. He may have felt threatened and in my opinion made an error in judgment. Hopefully he learns from this and we can provide some info to aid in his education. Mistakes help us become better hunters, not bad people.

    ILLUSION HUNTER Weekend Warrior

    Oct 11, 2008
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    That is one thing I'll never understand in the MN law books. You can't shoot a mountain lion, and if a timberwolf is chasing a deer you can't shoot it(legaly anyway), but if someones pet dog is chasing a deer your legal to go ahead and shoot it. That makes no sence to me.
  5. rybo

    rybo Grizzled Veteran

    Jul 24, 2008
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    Pittsburgh, PA
    Obviously a touchy subject.

    For me to shoot a dog, its going to have to be big and attacking ME.(or a child, or really putting a person in danger)

    However, I am also of the belief that if someones beloved pet is out running deer, then it must not be that beloved or people would have it contained or in the house. As with cats I can't understand having a "pet" that doesn't live in your house all the time. I feel any dog that habitually runs deer and gets shot had it coming and the owners should be fined. As far as me being the one to pull the trigger, I couldn't do it, no matter how frustrated it made me. Like I said, the dog would have to be big and eminently going to attack me.
  6. IL_Bow_Man

    IL_Bow_Man Weekend Warrior

    Oct 29, 2008
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    Fairbury, IL
    I was out hunting a couple of weeks ago and 2 german shepards went running by my stand. I yelled at them and they left...for a while. 15 minutes later they came through chasing a deer as hard as they could. 2 german shepards could run a deer to it was too tired to run. When they came through the second time I would have rid the section of one or both of them. These dogs are always seen in a 2 square mile running loose. The farmer has had complaints to him but he does nothing. If they walk by one of about 12 of us that hunt the area...the will be taken care of.

    I know I sure wouldn't confront a dog eating on my deer only holding a bow.

    I love my dogs and they are a part of my family...but if they are out doing stuff that is illegal I have to pay the price for it one way or the other. A roaming dog harrassing wilflife on your property is against the law in Illinois...atleast that is what we were told by an officer.

    I have to agree with GMMAT
  7. MNKK

    MNKK Die Hard Bowhunter

    Oct 21, 2008
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    Raleigh, NC
    WOW, this thread kind of exploded overnight.

    I did not really mean for this all to get out of hand.

    Atlas, reading all the different things you wrote. No, my cousin is not a coward. He is a kid. He is 15, and built like a sapling.
    You say that if someone shot your dog, you would take it personal. Okay, I completly understand that. However, does this mean that you allow your "family members" to roam the surrounding properties, doing what they instinctivly do?
    How well do you know your neighbors? How well do you know your dogs?
    Do your neighbors have any traps out for coyotes, or anything like that?
    Dogs are curious animals. If they smell that bait, what do you think they will do?

    It all comes down to responsible pet owners. I know I trust my dog with other dogs... Other people do not. Once they find out his breed, they are out of there. We currently have my dog (3yrs), he is a 65Lb. AmStaff Terrier, and my wife has a kitten (4 months, very small. These two are great together, most of the time, you can find them curled up together, in front of the fire place. I tell people that and they don't believe me.
  8. Tribal

    Tribal Die Hard Bowhunter

    Jul 25, 2008
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    lol Atlas you are a piece of work, I suggest you don't move to Minnesota it was legal so keep your dog tied up. As far as making threats to humans or one's family is entirely different. You could be away from your family for that statement. Here in farm country farmers shoot many dogs and deer and they don't have to even be chasing deer. They can kill a chicken dig in the trash what have you. Free ranging dogs could be shot. My cat was shot because he sometimes decides to roam comes back with bb holes in him. It's simple just make sure we keep our animals safe at home and we won't have to worry. But I would never threaten someones family over any animal. If someone ever said something like that to me over a dog you wouldn't have to worry about being shot, I would do it with my bare hands.
    Oh and if my dogs are chasing and eating deer and show any aggression to you in anyway when you shoo them off. You better take them home because I will personally put them down because that is simply unacceptable.
  9. Jigglestick

    Jigglestick Weekend Warrior

    Oct 12, 2008
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    Deer River MN
    I couldn't have said it better myself Tribal.

    every day people amaze me.
    not very much surprises me though.
  10. atlasman

    atlasman Die Hard Bowhunter

    Jul 24, 2008
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    Well......shooting a domestic dog from a tree is a pretty cowardly thing to do.....epecially when he was in no danger.

    I don't have a problem with someone being pissed if a neighbors dog is CONSTANTLY running loose.........if that is the case, handle it with the neighbor or the proper authorities..........what I do have a major problem with is hair trigger jackasses just looking for a reason to kill something. God forbid someone's dog gets off his leash just one time and chases a precious deer because that is grounds for a death sentence to some people I guess. My dog LOVES deer.......he wrestles with the ones I bring home and gets excited any time they are in the yard......he is the most lovable dog I have ever owned and wouldn't hurt a fly.....he is just playing around. Had he gotten off his leash by accident one day and been playing with your cousins deer he would be dead for no reason right now.

    Well enough that if my dog ever caused a problem they would come to me and tell me........not try to hurt or kill it.
  11. atlasman

    atlasman Die Hard Bowhunter

    Jul 24, 2008
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    I couldn't care less if someone tried to hide behind the "it's legal" response would not change.

    What human or who's family did I threaten?? I suggest you read slower ;)

    Really?? Please explain.

    Well that must make it right then.

    Wow......that is some twisted logic.

    That's why your cat comes home looking like swiss cheese and mine doesn't.

    Why is it OK for you to feel so strongly about protecting your family but wrong for me to feel the same about mine??

    Neither of those happened in this case so what is your point??

    Classy............and I am the "piece of work"??? :lmao:
  12. MNKK

    MNKK Die Hard Bowhunter

    Oct 21, 2008
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    Raleigh, NC
    Well, I am glad that people are posting their true feelings about this.
    However, I did not realize that this would turn into a slugfest. Touchy subject non the less.

    Atlas, as much as I respect your opinions as a man. I am going to have to agree to disagree on most of them, whereas some of them I completely agree. (Weird, I know)

    Tribal, I read your post over and over. I still don't understand that last part. If your dog shows agression to me, I should take him home? If anyone's dog shows agression to me, the last thing I would do is take the little bastard home! Depending on how much agression, I might be obliged to put an end to his attitude, not kill or wound but...whatever it took.

    My friends dog used to growl at me non stop. So I let him get a good wiff of the pepper shaker. Now he wont come near me.:cool:
  13. Schultzy

    Schultzy Grizzled Veteran

    Jul 25, 2008
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    What he's saying Is If any dog of his (Tribals) shows that type of aggression In a manner It should not be In you better take my dog home because your not going to like what I'm going to do to him. No different for me either. If I had a dog that was snippy with people, he would no longer be. I'm very strict with my pups, so Is Ron by the sound of It. It Is unacceptable.
  14. kolbster

    kolbster Newb

    Nov 28, 2008
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    I just don't understand shooting anything that you are not going to eat. Before you write me off as an old man stuck in my ways, I am 26 and that is just the way I was raised. Obviously, we are not all going to agree on this subject, but the idea that just because a dog wanders on to an adjacent property it should be shot and the owner fined is ludicrous. The kid being fifteen is somewhat understandable, but most of us are much more mature than that. I guess if a dog accidentally leaves its yard and runs into the street then you should intentionally hit him because he obviously poses a great threat. I have come into contact with many strays on my property and they usually run, but never have they attacked me. Many times they are very friendly and just out playing. I thought the south was known for its abundance of rednecks, but shooting a dog just because its legal. You might be a redneck if......
  15. Rory/MO

    Rory/MO Die Hard Bowhunter

    Aug 27, 2008
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    Cape Girardeau, MO
    I couldn't shoot a dog. I'm too close with my 2. The only reason I would, is if they were seriously threatining MY life.
  16. Tribal

    Tribal Die Hard Bowhunter

    Jul 25, 2008
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    Yeah sorry I was at work and typing faster than my capabilities. Schultzy got it. If my dogs showed aggression then atlasman better take them home and enlarge his family by 2 because that won't be tolerated. Now that doesn't mean I am waiting for a reason to give them lead poisoning. But I don't desire to have aggresive dogs. Now since atlasman considers a DOG as valuable or more so than a human and tells me I need to read slower because he never threated anyone, well I guess I am pretty sure I read it here --->>>>>"If someone ever hurt or killed my lab the last thing they or their family would be is "safe".
    Oh and again here --->>>"I would have zero restraint, mercy, or forgiveness on anyone who purposely tried to hurt or kill any member of my family."

    Family I understand and agree but we are talking about a freakin dog. God bless em but they are not humans. If they were as valuable as humans why are they the first to protect police officers in the line of duty? It's to save the officer. Why not join the peta in your area. And on top of it all we don't even know for sure if it was a domestic dog. You break everyones post down stirring the pot stating, where did I say that? or thats not what I said.

    I tried to read slower but when I wrestled, played football and got thrown to the matt a million times in my jiu jitsu class I might have lost a few marbles. We are not talking about aimlessly shooting a dog for the sake of shooting someones dog. Would I shoot your dog if I knew it was your dog and it had no collar and was roaming the woods chasing deer? No I would not because I knew it was your dog. You actually got me angry over your posts and you are always trying to stir the pot all the time. And I am sure I forgot valid points in my rage lol but about you being away from your family I don't know what the laws are in petaville but here a threat is the first step to actually carrying something out. You just might be in the clink for a few hours with no pooch to pet. No one on here shoots dogs for the sake of shooting dogs... at least I hope not. I love mine but they are dogs no where close to the way I feel about my kids. Not even close.. :bash: Okay I am done. :cool:

    I would expect from you to break this down and quote every other line in my above statement and twist it around with your typical weird reasoning. But I hope we can just let it rest for now and get back to talking hunting. Most of the situations I am speaking of are hypethetical of course. Whew big word thats probably mispelled for farm country domestic dog slayer like myself. Just joking. I would never shoot a dog I thought to be domestic as long as it was not aggressive to humans.
  17. atlasman

    atlasman Die Hard Bowhunter

    Jul 24, 2008
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    You certainly aren't looking for a reason to shoot something.......I mean after all we all know there is no other way to get rid of a dog right?? :lol:

    Not every human........just some ;)

    And type slower as well ;) tell the class who those statements "threaten" do understand that for something to be a "threat" it has to be directed at someone specific. The above are general statements........and no more threatening then me saying if I found someone in my house at 3 am, they are gettin' shot........certainly not a "threat" to anyone specifically.......just a factual, heads up statement to anyone out there crazy enough to break into my house.

    And there it is.........I was waiting for this one. Surprised it took so long to surface :lol:

    Wow..........I mean.......WOW

    It's hard to argue with well thought out intelligent reasoning like that :huh:

    Guess you missed that part too.

    Yea, I'm funny that way......I actually like to discuss what was REALLY said.......not stuff people make up in their heads as they go along. When someone doesn't even know what is REALLY being said it's hard to have a worthwhile discussion.

    We're all very impressed.

    Really??? got mad because I said I would go postal if someone hurts or kills one of my dogs for no reason. That is very stange to me, if someone hurt or killed one of your dogs for no reason what would you do?? Nothing?

    Well, let me know when I threaten someone specifically and we will talk about it. I saw a Trespassers Will Be Shot novelty sign in the woods the other day.........should I call the cops??

    Then what was the reason this dog was shot??

    Close enough ;)

  18. dmjarb01

    dmjarb01 Weekend Warrior

    Oct 10, 2008
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    Louisville, KY
    Tribal and Schultzy....Word. Atlasman.. you have issues man. Your ******* crazy. By the way "For no reason" is an opinion, not a fact. It's not like the kid was driving down the road, and shot the dog in someones front yard.
  19. atlasman

    atlasman Die Hard Bowhunter

    Jul 24, 2008
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    Does it really make a difference where you kill a defenseless house pet that is posing no danger to you??

    Never thought I would see the day when a guy trying to justify killing pets says I have issues :huh:
  20. dmjarb01

    dmjarb01 Weekend Warrior

    Oct 10, 2008
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    Louisville, KY
    The main reason I'm saying you have issues is because you are putting pets on the same level as humans. Ther is no comparison. Even the most worthless person on earth is far more precious than any ANIMAL. They are ANIMALS, not family members.

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