Would you bait public land? Would you bait it if there were available food sources around that you could hunt over? What if the neighbors were baiting, but their bait pile was 1/2 mile or more away? I know plenty of people who bait public lands. If it were me I wouldn't want to bait public lands for the simple fact that someone could find your bait pile easily and hunt your stand. Just want what you guys think.
I don't bait anymore, but when I did I baited heavily. Some times others hunted the spot, but more often it had the opposit affect. People would stear clear of the spot because it was already being hunted. I think the were some deer killed out my spots a few times, but then there was one less person I had to compete with from there on out. It just depends on the area I guess. However, if your hunting for big bucks in a state like Michigan that has a lot of pressure I wouldn't even think of baiting. It will make the spot go cold or turn him nocturnal almost every time.
on public land I'd be more likely to bait than I would hunting private land... providing it was legal in that state... on private land I'd use food plots in strategic areas to draw them thru and setup near paths heading to them... I'd consider somethin similar for bait... put it out and not hunt there but along paths heading that direction... if the spot is going nocturnal you've gotta be in a position to take advantage of their approach prior to darkness...
Not sure, I am sure that in some places it is quite the norm. Public land hunters, (in baiting states) how many bait piles do you run into a year?
I've seen some small feeders out and a few bait piles on public land. Public land down here doesn't get near the pressure that it does up north (from what I hear) so usually you don't have to worry about alot of guys stumbling onto your spot b/c there's plenty to go around.
Yea in the cold months dec,jan, everybody is at home watching football or doing indoor hobbys. I have shot alot of deer after christmas.:d