Looking to upgrade my bow, and the Prime bows from the last 3 years have caught my eye. Starting with the black series to the inline series are the ones in my price range. Is the parallel cam system superior? It seems that they run the same price as the inline series or even a tad more. Looking at a Black 3 currently, any reason to not buy one?
You can prob get a revex 2 or 4 for the same price roughly. Prime makes a good bow. They’re way under the advertised IBO speeds, I’d go shoot one and see what you think. There mod specific now I believe. I think the inline had limb stops and now there back to cable stops.
I test shot a Prime Inline 5 with 80lb limbs a couple of years ago. It pulled back smoother and held easier at full draw than my 70lb Hoyt. Didn't have the extra cash at the time, but I am seriously considering getting a new bow after this season is over. I will definitely be checking Prime out in the spring. @Jezzy670 is using one this year and seems to like it.