Listed in no particular order.. off the top of my head.. "Plan 9 from Outer Space" see this one.. its awesomely terrible. "Beverly Hills Cop 3" and i'm being nice here.. i could name another dozen eddie murphy flicks that blew. "I come in Peace" "Rushmore" "Showgirls" although i do enjoy parts of this one. "Beastmaster 2" "Iron Eagle" although i still enjoy watching it... wow is it bad.
1984...the book was depressing the movie was worse. Duke beat to "Showgirls" It may be the worlds worst movie ever. How do you mess up with topless women in every other scene? I didn't even finish watching it. That's messed up.
Agreed. I even tried watching it twice back then thinking something must be wrong with me that I couldn't enjoy all the nudity... finally gave up and realized it was one of the most horrible movies ever filmed.
Um pretty much anything with Jim Carey in it, I can't stand the guy. [I exempt Me, Myself, and Irene. That was sorta funny ]
There was a time when my roommate recommended movies and I listened to her. First it was 'A Clockwork Orange'..... agh. WTF?? Then it was 'My Private Idaho' .... double agh. Then I had a guy friend over.. who was not at the boyfriend stage at the time and she said she'd rent a movie for us to watch... She brought back '9 1/2 weeks'. C'mon, seriously? That was the last of me listening to her recommendations or letting her pick the movies. Other terrible movies. The Assassin. (Stallone, Banderas, guns and complete lameness) Zardoz. (this one you have to watch because it is soooo freaking bad.. even for a 70's movie. It's funny bad) All of the new Star Wars movies. You gotta at least read the recap of Zardoz if you don't watch it. How Sean Connery's career survived this movie.. I don't know.
Jeepers Creepers I Am Legend......I want that 90 minutes of my life back Blair Witch Friday After Next Fight Club Have to give this a little more brain time.........
And i must add, Does the scifi channel make there movies bad on purpose? i know they are all b-movies, but still...absolutely terrible. What happened to "cool" monster flicks? (Jaws, Anaconda, Arachnophobia)
While it is severely overrated by fanboys, it still is a pretty good movie. And some of y'all are listing movies that are so bad, they are actually good. I don't think Leprechaun In The Hood was ever meant to be taken seriously.
I couldn't tell you off the top of my head. They were so bad I most likely didn't watch them all the way through nor do I remember their names.
Kids in the Hall: Brain Candy I heart Huckabees Sorority Boys? The one with the three guys that dress up as girls in college? Wolf Creek All of the "Scary Movie" movies... The Godfather: Part 3 (epic fail). Kill Bill. Didn't hate it, but didn't care for it. The Ring (liked Ringu though) The Grudge (again, Liked Ju-On, not so much on the american version...) Brother's war Hostile ( I threw up a little... Maybe next time Jack D. won't come with. lol) Hostile 2. (didn't even see it. but I already don't like it.) The Hot Chick. Most of the movies my wife has been getting lately...(stupid Netflix...) Fast and furious 2,3,4,5,6,7,.... Saw 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9... Theres more. I'm working though. lol
Dude, I'm a huge Bronson fan and loved all the death wish movies. JMO tho. Funny how we all have different opinions on this subject. Siman, I just don't like movies with drop off endings (Blair Witch, I Am Legend) or ones without good plot lines (Jeepers Creepers) and I just didn't like fight club for some reason. I like Brad Pitt but this was one of his not so good flicks in my opinion.
Jeepers Creepers was one of the recent scary movies that i actually liked. So many crappy 90's slasher flicks came out, but Jeepers Creepers kept me entertained and not laughing. The 2nd was garbage though.
Boondock Sanits II: All Saints Day I'm a huge fan of the first one (as you can see by my artwork) and was so excited for this to come out. I was fully expecting it not to be as good as the first, but seriously, this was absolutely awful.