This buddy of mine... He has this NICE Hoyt bow and all these fancy gadgets on it. Had it for like 3 years. Never hunted with it. He calls me yesterday and ask if I want to hunt his FIL's 130 acre property. DUH! We get there this afternoon, 1pm-ish. Wind is AWFUL for this place today. I tell him. He says "why does the wind matter?" Uhhhhh.... Anyway, I put my gear on. He makes fun of me for a.) having a safety vest and b.) having a full head cover. Whatever. So we get ready to walk down some trails to see what is what. He FIRES UP A CIGARETTE. Bust at least 4 does and a shooter buck on the way up. I finally get him to go to his stand and leave me alone on this nice spot. Its a planted food plot that his FIL manages. I find a nice tree and get in it with my climber. After 20 minutes, alone, I see that pre-rut is here in PA. A LOT of deer in the far end of the field..... But the wind is not on my side, so I just will wait it out. These deer work their way to within 100 yards, feeding, sparring and whatnot. Guess what.... Here comes our hero down the trail. Smoking another cigarette and actually YELLS... "Hey Brian, see anything!!!!" The deer, of course, are long gone. My reply... "Well, I DID." I decide to bail, early. On the way back to the truck I ask him how long he's been hunting this place. "4 years". How many deer you kill? "None... I hardly ever see em." DUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! The saver is nobody bow hunts this place. They are all the sterotypical beer and guns guys. He said I can hunt it whenever I want. Pray I can get out there BY MYSELF. LOL Frustrating day. Thanks for letting me vent.
Make some fake rubs and scrapes on a particular part of that property. Then gently walk him past your doctored up location, hoping he sees the rubs and scrapes. At that point he will want to set p his stand. Then you can have the rest of the property to yourself the entire year. Just make sure every now and then say, "hey man I saw a nice buck by your set-up!"
Sounds like a guy that I would name "DANDY"!!!! cant stand people that hunt sloppy and shoot deer!!!!!!!!!!!
So he doesn't know much about hunting but is a good enough friend to let you hunt this place anytime. And you go on a public forum and trash the guy. Classy, very classy. I wish I knew who he was so I could forward this to him so he could see what kind of a friend you are. Unbelievable.
Hey, your smart enough to realize and regret it...some folks would have gone on the defensive and tried to justify their answer. Never know, he may want to follow your example if you start making some suggestions as to why you do things the way you do. hunting is more then getting a trophy or filling the freezer
X2- I know when I do stupid s*** my friends aren't shy about telling me, and vice-versa. Thats why we're friends. Good luck with your new spot.:D
I think everyone has at least one hunting buddy that hunts a little different then they do. As long as everyone enjoys their time all is good. Just dont hunt anywhere near them!LOL
FWIW.... This post, being a low point in my life of late... I talked about it with my wife and it was a good chat. it got some things in the air that needed to be said. Basically, I have anger issues. So what do ya know? A hunting forum might actually SAVE a marriage. Even thought it hurts, it good to get slapped around when you need it.