Well today started off great and slowly turned into the worst day ever.Helped 2 of my buddies that teach a hunter education course grade tests at the end of their class this morning. Then me and my friend go to do some turkey scouting. Don't find much sign , but we continue on. This is where the day goes bad. i was driving down a dirt road and there was a big puddle so I didn't think that it was deep. It wasn't deep but the mud completely sucked in my tire all the way to the axle. So after getting a tow truck to pull me out, I went to the ATM to pay the man get the money and pay him. More scouting and no turkeys once again. On about mile 35 of the 40 mile ride home I realized I left my ATM card at the machine. After getting home I was in such a bad mood and so exhausted that I put a halt on my hunt tomorrow. I just need the day to relax at home. Sorry for the rant, just had to vent. Guess the birds will have to wait until next week. Good Luck to the rest of you guys who are hunting!