Today i went hunting on public land in southeastern Ohiowith my crossbow. I felt pretty good cause i didnt make hardly any noise on the way in and while setting up my treestand. I picked a tree on the edge of a field wich had a little hill in the middle and pines and a small lake on the left bottom of the hill. So there i am setting up my treestand and like always before i climb up i look around to see if there are any deer around, and there he is, a nice big 8 pointer... he looked young but he was a shooter... he wouldnt been one on privat land but on public land is it different cause he wouldnt survive many more years anyway. So i watch him goin in direction of the pines and the lake and i figured that sneaking to the lake around the pines and catch up with him would be a good idea. So i took my knife and my Flextone Bone Collector Call with me and left the rest of my equipment by my treestand. So i sneak and finally im at the pines and see him. Problem is he seen me first. Like i said earlier he was young and dumb and since i was wearing facemask and gloves and stuff he couldnt see no skin or nothing. I guess that why he didnt get spooked yet. There he is about 20 yards just staring at me. And now im telling u the part of the story u propably wont believe. He took of with a loud noise and i reached for my call real quick and called and he stopped and came right back to about 15 Yards it was amazing. So young and dumb. So i kept calling and playing around with him, and finally i tought hes so nosy what i am he wont rum no more and he actually let me walk around him without running away always till 10 yards then he would start raising his ears. So i go for the shot, and miss! for some reason it went under him so he just lets me reload and shot again, and miss again! i dont know what happend, it went right under him again so there is my last arrow and right before i pulled the trigger he jumped and took of 10 yards and just stopped. So there i am no arrows and the dumbest deer ever just looking around feeling totally comfortable with me being only a couple yards away.. so i tried to find my arrows but the grass was so high i couldnt see nothing. I even talked to the deer and said "Hey dumdum find my arrow so i can kill u" and the buck just stand there and look at me. It started to get dark so i started taking of torch my treestand and he even followed me for a minute till i took my facemask off... i know it sounds unbelievable but i this is a true story... when i just got home i looked at my scope and saw that it was way off the rail... man ive only been hunting for 1 and a half years cause i moved here from germany a couple years ago but this was so far the best and worst hunting day at the same time
promise its not a fake... ill take u there if u want me to... i dont know what exactly was wrong with the scope but im about to go outback and check it out before i go hunting tonight
nahh it happens. my buddys lens fell out of his crossbow last year right before he shot lol. 15 yards, completely missed hehe that said.... here is a picture of a public land ohio buck from down that my friend rick shot and one i shot literally 100 yards off of public land ironically on the same day.... his was bigger :-/