Troy,,,cant wait to see what you come up with. mine is 36" high shaped like an L in a corner. 27" deep 7'4" X 9'6"
Terrible pic guys, but this is mine. I've since added MUCH better lighting, and a handful of other things as well. My coach is a cabinet/counters builder, so I had him build and laminate the top out of leftover parts. I'm really glad I went with a countertop instead of plywood. The top measures 8'x5'.
will do Jeff, I have access to a lot of barn wood too.. I am just finishing up my man cave bathroom, trimming it out with barn wood.. I can't wait to see yours Jeff, I am sure it will turn out nice. Matt, sounds really nice! looking forward to checking yours out when I get home tonight.. red x's here.
Love all the pictures, too. I'm planning my workshop out as well. Good ideas. Most likely I will build my archery bench about 42" high, 8' with an additional 3ft miter corner (my walls taper in halfway through), and most likely about 36+" back (I need room for sliding compound miter).
How do you double click a cellphone post?! I went with a six inch overhang so that I could mount my bow vise underneath out of the way. Also when I get some reloaders it will make mounting them easy. Looking back now, two to four inches would've been perfect. When I install pullout drawers, the back of the drawer won't be clear of the overhang. How long are you going to own your home? Building a permanent work bench in the house might not be a great selling feature later on. Just a heads up on that.
Nice workshop Balls . I have used to have Browning Archery banner that a shop owner gave me one time. I just asked him if I could buy it from him and told me to take it off his hands. I want a garage and/or basement
Fran, and everyone else thanks for the pix and insight. Mine will definately have drawers and storage underneath. So the depth is gonna be substancial. I think I want all of my gear and tools to be hidden. Even though I am planning on staying at this home for a long time, I still may go with the free standing bench/bar combo and not attach it to the wall after all. The more I see everyones set ups and ideas I am gravitating towards that option since it would allow me to chill in my cave and watch the tube while I am working..and finally if I did move it could/would go with me! I think I will frame out a base, use big timber slabs for the surface and either sheet the framing with barn wood or thinner milled rough cut lumber that matches my slabs..I have a plethora of dead standing douglas fir that I can skid for free, and mill at home. Some of these trees are 4-5 feet on the stump, I would make firewood out of the majority of it. Just thinking outloud for now but I am getting excited about getting this thing underway. I am robbing everyones framing ideas/options for my space then I will simply cover it, turn it around away from my back wall and face it towards the main room. Thanks again everyone. I will take pixs of the work I do. This should be a lot of fun. I am also in the process of building a Hunting "only" closet in my laundry room. I really need to get away from all my bins stacked on the floor down there! Some day I am gonna have a man cave that will really function like I want it too. Jeff, cant wait to see your pix and what you are coming up with.
Thanks bud, you'll really like the new bathroom next to the room you always stay in, I will have to send you some pix, it turned out really nice. Luckily Dee has Design skills, I DONT! I am putting the archery bench where my workout gear is right now, moving the hvy bag out etc.. We are putting all of that stuff up in the attic ( which is our summer project) making the attic into a computer/work out room.. The laundry room is getting a huge closet for the archery/hunting gear.. cant wait for you to see it bud..