I went through and set the tivo to record all the shows that I haven't seen before and one that it recorded was this Women of hte Wild Outdoors. Holy crap! The first segment was trout fishing with Kristi Johnson. Holy Crap is about all I have to say. Think I will leave this one on the tivo! Sucks that the website doesn't have pictures! Anyone else catch her?
No kidding. Searched the site and couldn't find any. Have to see if I can somehow get it off my tivo and onto my computer! Will work on that tomorrow!
I caught it, Ferg. . . with my girl sittin right next to me :D she gave me that side ways look after a few minutes of the show lol! I agree, anyone who missed it. . . missed out
Working on pictures. What kind of tv show doesn't have a website showing the girls on the show. Think Justin and Todd can design a good site for them. I am thinking bikini pictures!
I have been searching everywhere. Even gone through every Kristi in facebook with no luck. I will find her though!
The first quote of the clip GAB provided: "that feels like a nice one, probably about the same size as the last one..." LOL